20. Safe

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Rory let the hot water pour over her, fingers running through her smooth hair. Alone, she reminded herself that this is what a normal life was like; taking new steps to a better career, taking risks to get there, letting yourself be vulnerable to the right people. It scared her, and yet it thrilled her just as much. Eddie was kind to her, he was fun, and she enjoyed being around him. Neighbours with benefits, friends with benefits, people who cared, people who protected one another... All those things combined equaled partners but she didn't like the title, she simply couldn't attach herself to someone again.

Boyfriend and girlfriend sounded so silly in her mind.

She finished her shower and wrapped a towel around her body, then wiped the mirror clear of steam and studied herself. A smile fixed itself upon her face, she could be happy if she continued down this path. Constantly reminding herself that Carlton was likely not looking for her, after two years she was certain he could have found her with ease. Perhaps he expected her to have left the city, and searched beyond, maybe even out of the country. But she remained local, stayed hiding in plain sight.

She was getting pretty good at it.

Crawling into bed with Eddie, she felt his arm wrap around her and pull her close. It was in a way that did not make her feel trapped, but warm and comfortable.


"This is great news!" Rory exclaimed when Anne told her that the restraining order would go through, and then Mike would be forced to leave the building as well. The landlord would be notified and would have to give Mike one month to move out, which worried Rory a little bit. But, this was a huge step and progress took time.

She just worried about what would happen if she ran into him in the halls, the stairwell, the laundry room. Once he found out.

"There is a clause here that protects you," Anne then explained. "The reason for eviction will not be the restraining order, because the restraining order won't be put into effect until after he has moved. This way he won't act out, he won't know he is being evicted because of you, so you can rest easy. He will not be allowed in the building after November first."

"That's even better news," Rory replied with a bright smile. "To feel safe in my own home, well, that's all I could ask for right now."

"You mentioned something about changing jobs," Anne brought up, as though they were friends going for coffee. "Lots of big changes coming ahead your way, perhaps you won't even remain in that building for very long."

"I don't plan on moving," she admitted.

"That neighbour of yours?" Anne's eyebrow lifted.

"We are actually living in the same apartment now, sort of just happened naturally. I still have my place, but I think we're moving in to be financially... stable." Rory let out a small laugh, gentle and breezy. "Sometimes throughout the assholes, there is the odd guy who isn't. Although, he certainly does his own thing when he wants to."

"Reminds me of someone," Anne replied with a soft, distant sort of smile. As though her mind was reeling through memories, and then she stopped herself. "Anyways, I just need a few signatures, and then we can start this. Or rather, finish it."

"Great," Rory replied, clicking the pen and starting the long slew of signatures and initialing that she needed to get Mike out of Pleasure Estates.

Rory basically hopped up the stairs to the apartment, two bags of take out food to celebrate the good news. She simply couldn't wait to tell Eddie, she knew he would be happy too. She entered the apartment, a lot of her stuff there now, including a small plant that she gave Eddie as a gift a while ago. It looked like it needed tending to, it was starting to wither and look sad. She watered it, clipped a few dying leaves, then looked at the clock. Usually Eddie was home; he had no work, not steady work that kept him out late, but she decided not to start worrying just yet.

She sent him a text, asking when he thought he would be coming back, but she got no swift reply and began to make the counter look presentable. She put out the food and even dug out a few candles, then she flopped down onto the couch. After an hour, she put the food back into containers and put them in the oven on low to keep them warm.

After two hours she put it in the fridge, hungry yet having no desire to eat. She chewed her nails down to the quick as she texted Eddie again, asking if he was okay. After three hours she checked; his bike was there in the alley, so he walked somewhere and never returned home. The pit of her stomach twisted and sank at this worry, irrational fear creeping into her mind that somehow Eddie and Carlton had a run in, and that Eddie was gone for good.

She called him, but there was no answer.

She went back to her own apartment, everything about it impersonal and naked.

She fell asleep on the couch, her phone clutched in her hand. 


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