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Jessica's POV

"shit shit shit" Hank said as he ran from his apartment as he found out I was here to kill him "it will be painless I promise but once you're in hell you're on your own buddy "I said throwing my shurikens that had webs attached to them At him so he would stop running it tangled around his arms and the column of the stairs I casually walked up to him and pulled out my scythe" I said stop and it would be painless but no you kept running so now you get to die painfully" I said as I brung the scythe up vertically and slash up his stomach and cutting it open causing intestines and his lunch spill out onto the floor he looks down and realized he's fucked, as I brung the scythe up into his heart. I pulled out the scythe and watched as his body slowly stop showing signs of life. I clicked and all of the body and blood vanish. As I walked casually out of the buildings and into my car my cloak falling to the passenger seat and I was visible in my mirror again. I hate this job I thought as I drove home.

I arrived at my apartment to get ready for the movies with John as I checked my phones messages to see that John had been in an car accident and can't get to the movies I decided to check my emails I read though them casually as I was about to close the window I got another email. It was serpent girl that's when I realised I had double booked the movies with her. I read the message on wattpad

- Hey still Gd for the movies tonight

- Yeh I'm good

-ok see ya there

I quickly walk into my closet and pull out my dark blue skinny jeans and a Falling in reverse t-shirt and I had a shower "hello Jessica" I jumped when I heard the heavenly voice and looked out of the shower to see who had spoken. I looked to see a man about 21 standing in front of me with an impressed look on his face and his face it was gorgeous, I didn't realize I was staring until I heard a loud clearing of the throat. I shook my head "and who are you?" I asked in a rude poisonous tone as I turned off the shower and stepped out wrapping the towel around me "you don't know who I am I'm a little hurt that you don't know the original death in the flesh I've spoken to you like five times in person yet you don't know my face" he said, with a hurt look on his face "you're a bullshit artist because first the original doesn't have time to speak with his reapers he send his minions to us and secondly you're not a 16 year old kid with a huge as scythe hanging from your back so I ask again who the fuck are you?" I said with the most deadliest voice possible to a women "ok you got me which proves your smart but what am I then I didn't walk Into the room and I only know of three things that can do that the original, angels and the devil himself " he says facing me with an in unimpressed look on his face " you can't the devil since I know the devil and I proved you aren't the original so what is an angel doing in my bathroom I asked as he stepped back and leaned against the wall "are you aware of what you are doing when you send those souls to hell?" he asked as he looked out the window.

"I'm sending them to be tortured in hell" I said as I look at him with a slightly worried face.



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