Andromeda: The Blood Traitor

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February 3, 1972

The Black sisters were having dinner with their parents and talking about the party which would be thrown for Andromeda. "Andromeda, dear I know you're not in love with Rabastan  but you have been friends with him for five years." said Cygnus Black, her father after seeing how upset Andromeda was when her wedding became the topic of discussion. "Yeah, Andy it is not that bad. At least Rabastan loves you and will treat you with respect. The same can't be said for me and his idiot of a brother." said Bellatrix who hated her future husband. "Bellatrix, that's enough. If you had befriended a pure-blood boy who could have been a good husband and treated you with respect, then you wouldn't be betrothed to someone you hated. Your behaviour at your ball was unacceptable. Regulus and Sirius who are younger than you acted more mature. And in Sirius's case it was a miracle." said Druella Black, enraged because of her eldest daughter's attitude. "Look Bellatrix you have taken the dark mark, your greatest wish has been fulfilled. And your mother is right. If you had listened us, things wouldn't have ended up like this." he said calmly.

After the dinner, Bellatrix went to Andromeda'a room. She was sure there was more than the ball. When she entered the room, Andromeda was looking at the forest from her window. "What's wrong Andie?" "Nothing except the fact I am going to marry." "Well you may have  fooled mother and father but not me. Tell me your problem,  maybe I can help." she said and sat down next her, holding her hand. "Help, you want to help? Well then get rid of that mark." she said coldly. She wasn't happy with her sister's desicion of being a death eater just like their mother. Bellatrix dropped her elder sister mood. "That's the problem. Agh you are just like mother. Worried about everything constan-" Andromeda cut her off angrily. "Of course we are worried. We don't even know whether or not you will come back alive. And what will happen if you get caught? They will either send you to Azkaban or have a dementor suck your soul out ." she shouted. "I will be okay. No one can catch me. And I hope that's all." Bellatrix shouted back then she asked softly "And I hope that's all." "Yeah it is."Andromeda asnwered. Bellatrix raised an eyebrow and read her sister's face when she found nothing, she smiled. "Well, don't forget that if you need me, I will always be there to help." she said and left the room. No matter how many times they fought, Bellatrix could never stay angry at Andromeda for long. As soon as she left, Andromeda let a tear fall. She knew what would happen, that her sisters would hate her forever.

September 13, 1972

Andromeda looked at her wedding dress. It finally hapened. She married Ted and ensured her family would disown her. She didn't want to cry but couldn't stop the tears. Her family wasn't going to be a part of her life. Her parents wouldn't be there when she had a child, she wouldn't be able to see Narcissa's wedding and Bellatrix would certainly want to kill her husband. 

Then she remembered she had followed her heart. She wiped her tears and took a deep breath. Even though she lost the Black family, she gained a new family that would never abondon her just because she did something they wouldn't approve.

She was proud of being a blood traitor just like she had been proud of being a Black once. 


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