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Listening to sad music can usually make anyone feel depressed... It was certainly true for Brittani. She was in her room, alone. Feeling mixed emotions from the depressing music being played in her ears. She was just laying on her bed, staring at the ceiling while hearing faint sounds of raindrops hit her window and roof to her house. Soon, she got bored of this and finished getting ready so her mother would be able to take her to the doctor.

You see... She's been feeling depressed for a long time and her parents have taken notice to this. They scheduled an appointment to, hopefully, make her feel better. They wished for her be back to the 'normal' Brittani that her family and friends once knew.

However, Brittani didn't think she needed this 'special' attention, nor did she need to go to the doctor. She thought she was acting perfectly normal and that everyone else were the ones acting weird by always asking, "Are you okay?" or, "We're here for you; you know that, right?" it was getting out of hand. So many relatives and close friends would be asking or saying these things over and over again. Sometimes, she just wanted to scream to let her frustration out to all of the pestering. Other times, she just wanted to be completely closed off to the world and only listen to the devious voices that always seemed to be filling her head.

Either way, she just wanted some peace for a little while, but knew that that definitely wasn't going to happen. Now, it seemed that her parents were checking on her in her room every 30 minutes. Hell, even her older brother would be one of the pesters...

"Honey, it's time to go to your appointment," her mom stated, while standing in her doorway to her room.

Brittani didn't reply anything back, but obediently followed her mother out of her room and out the door to the car. She opened the car door begrudgingly and got into the back seat while her mother and father occupied the front seat and her brother sat next to the other window.

When the car pulled out of the driveway, Brittani completely zoned out to her surroundings and could only hear the pitter patter of raindrops banging against the car's window. But... That's the only thing she could hear; not the only thing that she would listen to. What she heard was transferred from one ear and out the other, while what she listened to were the voices bouncing around in her cranium.

They would always say such weird things...

Such as: "What's the best way to hurt someone?" "You know you want to... Kill your family." "Aren't the eccentric variations to each person's individual face... Interesting?" "It's as if everyone is wearing a mask, only specialized for them and not for anyone else." "Why can't I look like that?" "Life is a fragile thing isn't it? Certainly not to be wasted..."

Before, she would have desperately tried to push away these menacing thoughts and think of something... Not so psychotic. But, in the end, she just gave up trying to get them out of the depths or her never ending mind and just accepted the fact that, that was a normal 'thing' for her.

Too soon for her, she arrived at the doctor's office and was in the waiting room.

"What kind of medication will the doctor prescribe me?" she spoke up, for once.

After her mom composed herself from the shock of Brittani talking, she said, "Sweetheart, you're not going to see our normal doctor, you're here to talk to a psychologist. So, there won't be any medication... At least, I don't think..."

This news definitely shocked her. She thought she was just going to the doctor so he could prescribe her some meds. NOT be having to deal with talk therapy. But, at least there most likely won't be any medication that she'll have to take... She hated taking pills of any sort, even if those pills would make her feel better if she had the flu.

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