Chapter 7

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Still after 18 years I still miss Addison my twin sister. My life has also changed I love my life but it’s still not perfect with Addie.

I am now a mother to my three beautiful children Skyler, Taylor and Zac.A mate to Matt the love of my life and father of my children.

After Addie’s disappearance Anderson has been traveling trying to find her but has not yet succeed.

“Dinner’s served” I call out to my family in the lounge watching TV.

They soon are seated waiting to be told to eat by my father John. Matt sits at one end of the table with me to his left,Skyler to his right, Taylor next to me and Zac my seven year old next to Skyler.

“Anderson is coming to dinner” my mom Elizabeth says.

“Mom why didn’t you tell me earlier” I ask standing up going to fetch more plates, forks, spoons and glasses for his family.

“Leah’s coming over, I thought they were unpacking” Taylor says excitedly then confused.

“Your grandma threatened them” father chuckled at his mate.

I just rolled my eyes typical mother she always threatens. The door bell rings and Taylor runs to open the door.

“How are you” I say as I hug Anderson my big brother tightly never wanting to let go.

“Good, how has it been” he says against my silver-white hair.

“Manageable” I answer coming out of the hug. I look and see how much he has matured from the young 18 year boy to his man before me.

“You have changed” I whisper to him.

His hair the silver-white but with a bit of grey now his once michevious eyes now full of patience and wisdom,  his features more sharp than ever.

“You too my Sister” he says with a smile that has wisdom.

“Introduce me to your family “ I say looking at the family beside him.

“This is my mate Michelle” he looks at his mate with so much love.

His mate has raven black hair straight and grey eyes that have happiness she is taller than my 5’4 frame maybe 5’7 frame she is.

“My first born child Leah Addie” he looks at her with happiness. She has her mother’s raven black hair but Anderson’s green eyes she is the same height as her mother. I smile to the fact he gave her Addison’s name he gave her Addie.
“My son and last born Thomas Anderson” he looks at a silver-white hair and grey eyes boy but he still looks of young age maybe 13 years of age.
“Leah is 17 years and Thomas is 14 years” Michelle answers the unasked question.
“Hello Michelle my name is Madison,Anderson’s little sister” I say as I hug her.
“I know all his embarrassing stories” I tell her in a whisper, she just chuckles. “Thank you” she replies.
“”Hi, Leah and Thomas I am your aunt Madison”I say as I give each a hug.
“Anderson this is my mate Matt” I look at my mate that has helped me through so much.
“This is Skyler my first born” as I point to my son that made a mother for the first time and has already given me grey hairs.
“My daughter Taylor” I point to Taylor that is waving her hand and has given me beauty tips or fashion advice when I’ve forgotten.
“My last born Zac” I point to him his eyes have a michevious spark in the them probably thinking of pranking them.
“Skyler is 17 years soon 18 in two months ,Taylor’s 16 years, Zac is 7 years old” Matt answers.

“Leah, Thomas this are your grandparents John and Elizabeth “ I tell them.

“Chat while we wait for dinner” mother says talking to Thomas and Zac. Skyler talking with Matt, Taylor and Leah going up to Taylor’s room, Anderson talking to father.

“If you need anything please ask me, I know my brother wouldn’t ask” I tell Michelle taking her with me to the kitchen first.

“Yes, I will Anderson just doesn’t like worrying people” Michelle giggles.lf only she knew why he doesn’t like worrying people.

After Michelle helped my in the kitchen for cooking extra food we called everyone and they sat on the table.

Matt on the end with me on his left, Skyler on his right, Taylor in-between Skyler and Leah with Zac next to me and Thomas on his side.

Father at the other end mother on his left Anderson on his right Michelle next to him and Thomas in-between mother and Zac.

Soon we are all eating in silence until Matt breaks the silence.

“Anderson where have you been to”Matt asks with a sudden interest.

“South Africa, Caribbean Islands, Asia,Australia,Brazil,Kenya”he says to Matt.

“Wow! How long did you travel until you meet Michelle” mother asks.

“I meant her when I was 21” Anderson answers.

“Where did you meet her” father asks.

“The Bahamas” Michelle answers.

That’s how dinner went us asking the family of they adventures.Everyone thought that Anderson wanted to travel but all he was looking for was his sister.

After dinner now everyone was in the lounge chatting together like a family expect my sister Addison I wonder where she has gone to.

“You miss her don’t you” Anderson says handing me hot coco then taking a sit next to me.

“Everyday” I say with a sad smile.

“Can I tell you something, but you must promise to never tell this” he says in a whisper then taking a sip of his hot coco.

I hummed a response. ”Addie gave birth” he says after a while.

“When, with who, where” I ask question after question but in a whisper.

“I don’t know any of that, only that she gave birth nothing else” he says in disappointment shaking his head.

I nod in understanding but at least I know that she has someone to live for if not for us her forgotten family.

A\N: Thank you for reading.

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