Chapter 4

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After the staring contest between father and I, mother breaks it and leads me to the living room.

As I entered I saw Jasmin and a woman I think is her mother because they look exactly the same. A man sitting with his hands on the woman’s manicured nails.

They look like mates as the way they are looking at each other with so much love for one another.

“Jordan I would like for you to meet my son Jacob” dad says through gritted teeth from behind me.

“Our daughters will be here soon” mom says from beside me with a smile.

As if on cue the front door is opened and soon after Jess and Jen are in the lounge.

They bother nods they heads at our guests and take a seat opposite the family.I take a seat with them and our parents take a seat in a love seat.

“Kids, this is your uncle Jordan aunt Julia and cousin Jasmin” mom says looking at the family in front of us. Jordan looks a lot like dad and has the same features, you can see the resemblance in them.

“Is he your brother dad” Jessica beats me to it and has also seen the resemblance in them.

‘Unfortunately' I don’t miss Jordan’s mumble, I look at everyone and I see that nobody has heard it. I wonder what it means.

Looks like this two had a huge fight from the way they looking at each other, dad with sorrow and Jordan with disgust.

“Yes my dear, your uncle went to live with his mates pack” dad says still looking at Jordan with a pleading look.

“Excuse me but why tell us now” Jenna asks looking between father and mother with curiosity.

“He didn’t leave in the best of terms with your father”mom says.

‘You mean a fight’ Jessica says through the family link.

‘Yes, he is your fathers younger brother ‘ mom replies also through the family link.

“The reason we here is because your grandma asked for us” Jordan says with a forced smile after breaking the contact with dad.

‘More like begged' dad mumbled but it seems also mom heard it, and places a hand over his folded one.

“So we will be staying here “ Julia said for the first time looking confused at her mates behavior.

“Yes, you luggage has been taken to your rooms” mom says with a small smile.

“Jordan another and father will be here soon” father says after he calmed down.

“Can we go to our rooms to freshen up please ”Julia asks mother with a small smile.

“Sure, Just go up the stairs and to your right” mom says instructing her.

Julia nods and leads her family towards the rooms.

“Dad please tell us what’s going on”Jenna asks after the family is gone up the stairs.

There is one thing that Jenna hates and that is to be left in the dark or not being told something about her life.

“Jase, I think you should tell them” mom says encouraging dad to speak to us.

“Okay, one the day I marked your mother” dad looks at mom with affection but also with a bit of sadness.

“Jordan start saying how unbelievable I was” dad continued.

“I still don’t understand what happened but he started to hate me along with your mother” dad says with sadness.

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