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The room is dark, but she knows she's in a warehouse, "Vidatur Tobias," She says weakly, trying and failing to snap her fingers. Her hands are bound behind her back, "Vidatur Tobias," She tries again, and this time, her familiar appears, perching on her shoulder.

"Tobias, please figure out where we are and find Mom. Please," Maggie tries her hardest not to cry, but the tears come anyway. She's been beaten and thrown around to the point her body feels heavy. Sore. So sore, in fact, every inch of her is throbbing. Tobias squawks as he apparates, leaving behind him a plume of smoke and a handful of feathers. Maggie feels them flutter down onto her shoulder. Suddenly, a light flickers on. Light floods the small, concrete room along with the hum of the fluorescent lights.

"Hello, little witch," The man that kidnapped her steps into the room, his booted feet echo through the space. His knees crack as he kneels in front of Maggie, "I suppose you're wondering why you're here."

"You probably should've told me before you beat the snot out of me," She spits. She stares into his eyes. They're green, but lifeless somehow. As if whatever humanity he had was drained from his very being. He laughs, rocking back on his heels.

"You've still got some spunk, don't cha? You're goddamn plucky," His laugh doesn't touch his eyes, "Perhaps the legends are true then. Tell me, little witch, do you know what you are?"

"I'm a witch. You're constantly reminding me, though I doubt I would forget anyway," Maggie rolls her eyes. The man shakes his head.

"So you really don't know," He stands, "Didn't your mommy ever tell you the legends of the Moon Witch?"

Maggie's eyes follow the man as he paces, "Moon...what?" She's never heard of such a thing. The man laughs again.

"You mean you really don't know? Is your coven that ass-backward? They still go into hiding during All Hallows, they throw a tantrum when tradition gets shaken up, and to top it all off the Moon Witch herself doesn't even know her own legend! This is rich, folks! A real fuckin' knee slapper!" He's howling with laughter, doubling over.

"What are you talking about?" Maggie demands, struggling against her restraints again.

"How old were you when you discovered you were different from your fellow witches? Eight? Nine?" The man is suddenly somber, his laughter dying off in his throat, "Maybe younger?"

"Every witch comes into her powers differently, Mother always said so," She's confused. What do her powers have to do with anything?

"The most powerful witch since the Salem Trials and she doesn't even know it. My, my, my," He sits cross-legged in front of her, resting his chin on steepled hands, "What did your parents name you, Moon Witch? It would make speaking to you that much easier if I knew your handle."

Maggie debates with herself for a moment, tasting each letter of her nickname carefully before answering, "Margot," She says slowly. Somehow, giving this man the nickname she's carried with her for her entire life feels wrong.

"Margot. Fitting. They call me Kas, short for Lukas. Do you really not know who you are?" His curiosity is child-like. It's astounding to Maggie that this is the man that threw her around this same room mere hours before. She shakes her head, "Your coven is a weird one. They still hide from hunters. All of the hunters died out years ago. Every last one."

"You're not a hunter?" Maggie asks. Kas shakes his head.

"No. I'm part of the Corporation. We were founded a hundred or so years ago to preserve the memory of our hunter brethren. We don't shoot on sight, but when there's a need, we're trained to kill. Without mercy," He stretches his hands above his head, his back cracking, "But we're not here because of me, Margot. We're here because your coven has been sitting on the most powerful secret since the first Moon Witch was burned at the stake."

"What do you mean?" Maggie tries to swallow the lump in her throat but to no avail. Kas grins from ear to ear, his smile reaching his eyes for the first time since she's laid eyes on him. She shivers, the giddiness rolling off the huge man in front of her making her more uncomfortable than she's ever been. She's nauseous.

"I mean, Margot, that if the legends are true, I have myself a witch to burn," Kas bellows laughter that comes from the very put of his belly, and Maggie's blood runs ice cold. Please hurry, Tobias. Find Mother. She pleads silently, hoping her familiar can hear her silent cries for help.

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