The Decision

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"Gather around, my sisters," Elder Cybil says, projecting her voice so every last witch in the room can hear her. They've gathered in a hotel conference room today, "We have reached a mutual agreement in regards to Margot's request for All Hallows." Maggie feels her heart drop. Anxiety pulses in her ears. The romantic week she and Julien spent together now a thing of the past, she leans forward feeling more stressed than she's ever been.

"We have decided to give you the choice this year as a sort of test run," Elder Luna steps up to the podium, tipping a smile to her youngest daughter. Maggie feels a weight lift off her shoulders. A choice is better than nothing, "Should you choose to go into hiding this year the meeting spot is the cellar at my home. Should you choose not, and all goes wrong, the password for entry to the safe spot is 'Rochambeau'."

"And what if those of us that choose to hide have chosen wrong? Then what?" a witch whose name Maggie can't remember stands. Her question raises whispers from the crowd. Elder Samira takes her place next to the other two, clearing her throat.

"We won't know until November first if hiding is truly pointless. After All Hallows, we will meet back here to discuss the outcome. If someone who didn't go into hiding isn't at the meeting, then we will know that it was a fluke and the traditions will continue," Elder Samira says, looking over the coven with sympathetic eyes. Maggie hates it.

"This meeting was short, but I hope we came to an agreement, Margot," Elder Cybil stares daggers at the young woman sitting in the middle of the crowd. Rosemary grabs her sister's hand as if to keep her restrained to her seat. Maggie simply nods, not looking at Cybil, but her mother instead. Luna smiles as the witches disperse, ready to go about their business for the day. Luna approaches her girls and leans against the back of the chair in front of Maggie, crossing her arms.

"I had to fight tooth and nail to get you that little bit of compromise, so I hope it can suffice for now," Luna says sternly.

"It's fine, Mom. Thank you so much," Maggie gets up and hugs her mother, suddenly more excited than she's ever been. Things are finally going her way.

"You're welcome, Maggie. Now can you please put this to bed? We're all exhausted and from what Julien told me through text you're not exactly well-rested either," Luna pulls out of the hug,

"You talked to Julien?" Maggie asks, a little stunned because her mother and husband seldom talk to each other.

"He was at a loss for what to do. He said he talked to your familiar, but those two can't reach an agreement to save their lives, so I told him to do what he felt was right," Luna shrugs, "He really is a sweet boy, Maggie. He was so worried about you."

Maggie nods in response because she knows how worried he was. Still is. She left him in their bed this morning, hair disheveled and mouth slack from sleep, snoring lightly. She thought it best to let him sleep in, "He's going to be relieved when I tell him I get to stay home this year."

"Be careful, Maggie. I know it seems safe, but-" Luna's brow furrows. Out of both her daughters, she's always worried about her youngest the most. Maggie has always been reckless and headstrong, and not a day goes by that Luna doesn't fear for her.

"It'll be fine, Mom. I promise. The hunts are a thing of the past," She grins wider than she ever has, "We can finally rest easy."

"I'm going to go into hiding with the others," Rosemary says suddenly, "I can't risk my girl's safety."

"I fought so hard for this, Rose!" Maggie erupts. Luna grabs her by the shoulder.

"I have to go into hiding too. All of the Elders do. It's going to be okay, Maggie. You can't expect everyone to accept the fading out of the tradition right away. That's why we're giving you the choice to begin with," The witch's mother says. Maggie nods, "You have your family to worry about, and so does Rose. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mom. Sorry," Maggie looks down at her feet cased in white canvas shoes.

"Stop apologizing, and stop pushing this issue. You got your way, and those that want to continue the tradition can," Luna starts to head for the door, "I trust that no matter what you two choose to do this Halloween, you'll both be fine. I didn't raise you to not have a good head on your shoulders."

"We'll be fine Mom," Rosemary says. Maggie nods again. Both her sister and her mother leave her alone in the now empty conference room. She takes a look around, smiling to herself. She did it. She really did it! She pulls her phone out of her back pocket and sends a quick text to Julien. Babe, I did it! Four words she never thought she'd send him. But here she is, her small victory under her belt. She pockets her phone as she leaves the conference room, shoulders lighter than they have been in years.

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