Michael Myers

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Welcome to Haddenfield, where you've moved to. October 31st 2018 will forever be your arch enemy. It is the day you arrived at your new life and left your world behind.
You pull up at your new house and step out of your car however when you turn around eyes are crowding your head and looks of horror pierce your skull.

You shake your head and shuffle toward your new front door. When you reach it you remove the key out of your pocket and swiftly unlock your door. As it swings open a figure emerges from the kitchen and stands in the doorway. He is wearing a pure white mask that gives him a blank expression and a dark blue jumpsuit that looks like the night sky. And in his hand... Oh no... A knife. It looked like a simple kitchen knife, and it would be except the thick layer of blood that was spread over both sides.

You slowly back up and see him follow you. Run, run, run, all you can do is run but no matter where you go he is there. You start to slow, your body is exhausted and you need to rest. "MICHAEL, FACE ME MICHAEL" You spin your head and see the masked psychopath facing another man. He was leaning on a walking stick and had small amounts of grey hair around the sides of his head. "GO!" He yells to you and you don't need to think. You stumble to your car, rev your engine and speed off into the midday sun.

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