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They gave him
A Umbrella but what if it tears?

Namjoon -secretly prefers joonie*not a new kid*-Loner and nerd but secretly a soft baby boy-°lover of everything soft and adorable bit only shows his smarts and talks to no one°_wants friends and to be loved_

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Namjoon -secretly prefers joonie
*not a new kid*
-Loner and nerd but secretly a soft baby boy-
°lover of everything soft and adorable bit only shows his smarts and talks to no one°
_wants friends and to be loved_

Jin -doesnt care what you think*new kid*-Only shows his 'Bad ass side' but if you know him he acts like a mom-°wants someone to take care of even if he has to share (even tho he hates to share)°_wants a good and rich life_

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Jin -doesnt care what you think
*new kid*
-Only shows his 'Bad ass side' but if you know him he acts like a mom-
°wants someone to take care of even if he has to share (even tho he hates to share)°
_wants a good and rich life_

Jungkook-refuses to stand down*new kid*-plays himself of as chill put his brawn and pride take control sometimes-°loves to win and wants to be the top dog but he doesnt mind sharing the throne with who he loves°_hopes to be excepted_

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Jungkook-refuses to stand down
*new kid*
-plays himself of as chill put his brawn and pride take control sometimes-
°loves to win and wants to be the top dog but he doesnt mind sharing the throne with who he loves°
_hopes to be excepted_

Jungkook-refuses to stand down*new kid*-plays himself of as chill put his brawn and pride take control sometimes-°loves to win and wants to be the top dog but he doesnt mind sharing the throne with who he loves°_hopes to be excepted_

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Taehyung-likes any nickname
*new kid*
-wants to be senter of attention always postive-
°if he sets hos eye on something its his now, wont share,makes friend easy°
_wants friends and to be popular-

Yoongi -Call what you wont he wont answer anyway* new kid*-Pretends to be a know it all but needs extra help, kind of mean-°is forced to talk to people and people get on his nerves easy but is soft for things he likes°-wants so be left alone-

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Yoongi -Call what you wont he wont answer anyway
* new kid*
-Pretends to be a know it all but needs extra help, kind of mean-
°is forced to talk to people and people get on his nerves easy but is soft for things he likes°
-wants so be left alone-

Jimin -hates nicknames dont call him short*New kid*-can be a asshole and mean but everyone thinks hes perfect and nice-°play nice or fair isnt in his vocabularyWill protect his friends dont mess woth who he cares for°_wishes to grow a couple inches_

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Jimin -hates nicknames dont call him short
*New kid*
-can be a asshole and mean but everyone thinks hes perfect and nice-
°play nice or fair isnt in his vocabulary
Will protect his friends dont mess woth who he cares for°
_wishes to grow a couple inches_

Jimin -hates nicknames dont call him short*New kid*-can be a asshole and mean but everyone thinks hes perfect and nice-°play nice or fair isnt in his vocabularyWill protect his friends dont mess woth who he cares for°_wishes to grow a couple inches_

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J-hope - everyone call him that cause hes a sunshine boy
*new kid*
-thinks everyones his friend wont take no for a answer-
°Dont think hes weak that smile can turn upside down and knock you on your ass°
_wants a hope world_


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