Halloween Special

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I silently peeked inside the office with Flug, 5.O.5 and Demencia.

It was Halloween and the hat mansion was surprisingly decorated quite nicely, except the fact that all the stuff placed here was real. And by real I mean, the spider webs are real, and so are the giant spiders crawling around on the ceiling. I hope it is not me who will clean that stuff.

The skeletons are also real, Black Hat made us dig and rob the graves from the abandoned graveyard. I am still feeling terribly disgusted by that. However, the corpses don't smell, so that's a plus. Moreover, the skeletons also have webs inside them with spiders settled inside their new homes.

The pumpkins are the most harmless, not including that they are half spoiled. Black Hat personally picked and carved them. After his 'carving' I had to clean his entire room of the guts and seeds of pumpkin, which smelled like dead rats. I'm lucky that I did not puked right there, somehow.

There were torn curtains hanging on the walls, where Black Hat found them is something I'll never know. Honestly, since its him, I don't even want to know.

Black Hat also planned to spread dead maggots around, but he decided not to because I puked right there when he brought in the bucket. I'm sure he's still pissed about that.

As we peeked inside, we noticed the great Hat doing something, and singing some lala song. He is not that bad at it if I must say.

We all shared looks and went back to looking.

"Don't stand there like fools, get inside!" Black Hat yelled at us without turning to look at us. We all scurried inside and stood in front of his desk in attentive positions, with shoulders and back tensed and head high.

"Yes sir!" We all spoke in unison. The office was filled with dusty cobwebs and even bigger spiders than those crawling around the house. My face turned blue as I noticed one of them crawling close to me. It was a hairy tarantula. Goosebumps arose from the base of my neck, and spreaded out to my entire body, making every inch of hair of my body raise. As the thing was about to crawl on my feet, I let out a shrill scream and jumped straight towards 5.O.5, noticing that he was already covered in those ugly creatures, and he was trying to get them off. When Flug and Demencia saw what I was looking at, they both jumped close to me, we all stood close to each other, shaking.

"5.O.5! My son!" Flug shouted out in concern and fear. I jumped up trying to smash the beasts that were trying to crawl on me. Some crawled upon Demencia and settled in her hair and she just posed as if she looked like some horror movie witch.

The spiders climbed up Flug and he screamed, running about, trying to get them off. I was crouching upon Black Hat's desk, trying to avoid the hairy demons with a shaking body and teary eyes. As I looked at Black Hat to tell him to stop this attack, I noticed that he was stiff and completely frozen.

My heart started beating rapidly as he slowly began shaking, feeling of agitation and fear bubbling inside me like a volcano about to burst. I took a shaky breath to attempt to calm my nerves but to no avail. The suspense was too much.

Suddenly Black Hat turned to me with a scary, unsettling face. His eye was popping out and other one was missing. The one that was popping out was red and black at places whilst the other one had black blood slipping down. His mouth was ripped open, sharp rows of teeth as far as eyes can see inside. He lunged at me with with sharp claws, a black long slithery serpent like tongue was hanging out of his mouth covered in acid.

I let out the loudest scream of my entire life and jumped back in terror to avoid the advancing demon, but all I managed to do was doom myself. I fell off the desk and below me were multiple tarantulas, ready to devour me. I closed my eyes and covered my face with my hands on instinct. Tears slipped out of my eyes unwillingly.

However, I never felt my back smacking on the ground, instead, there were two arms wrapped around me, holding me tightly in place. My eyes napped open in surprise and I saw Amnesia, he looked concerned as he held me, his arms wrapped around my stomach, my back pressed against his chest, which I could feel was toned even though he is quite thin. I let the tears escape and looked down to see that the tarantulas were dead, their water like blood flowing out of their bodies, I could tell who killed them. And most surprisingly, there were no spider bodies where I was standing. I turned on my heels and hugged my saviour tightly.

"Thank you so much Amnesia!! Thank you!!" I thanked him as I buried my face in his hoodie, seeking for any, even a small bit sense of safety, fortunately, there was plenty.

"Its fine, glad I got here in time" Amnesia combed his fingers through my hair in an attempt to calm me down as I tried my best not to break down right there. Apparently his little trick worked as my heart slowly calmed down, and so did my breathing. I heard a cough, seemingly from Black Hat.

"What are you doing here?" He asked Amnesia squinting his eye at him.

"Well, it's Halloween right? So I decided to pay you a visit, it seemed that someone really needed me here" Amnesia spoke in a annoying tone.

"Whatever" Black Hat clicked his tongue "get out of my office" he said and I heard ruffling, he must have sat down. Suddenly, I felt like I was in air, making me feel a bit dizzy but as soon as the feeling appeared, it disappeared too.

I let go of Amnesia. "Sorry about that, I was just scared" I apologized to him looking down. He just laughed at me.

"You're weird, first you thank me, then you apologize" he teased. I puffed up my cheeks and crossed my arms, my cheeks having a rosy red colour.

"Its not my fault!" I said in my defence. Amnesia just patted my head with a warm smile. I pouted at him and he just chuckled.

"You're a cute one" he spoke with the same smile.

"Are you planning on making me your next victim?" I huffed then I suddenly remembered something. "What about Flug and the other two?!" I asked him with wide and worried eyes.

"They are fine, I killed all those spiders" he shrugged and sat down on the bed. As I saw the bed, my wide eyes blinked in surprise as I looked around and realized that we were in my room.

"How do know here my room is?!" I shrieked out in embarrassment.

"I have gone through the mansion many times, and through your room too" he spoke casually. I smacked his head with a pillow. "Ow, what was that for?" He asked me with a pained look, rubbing his head.

"You shouldn't go through someone's room without their permission!" I started, and then lectured him about privacy for about half an hour until he got completely fed up and pulled my arm. We both landed on the bed, and somehow he had twisted me mid fall so that now he was lying on top, pinning me down on the bed. I puffed up my cheeks.

"Not fair!" I struggled under him, trying to get him off.

"I like this side of you love, this feisty yet cute side" Amnesia let out a chuckle, tracing his finger down the side of my face, from under my eyes to the side of my neck. I blinked at his actions.

"Pervert alert!" I suddenly struggled under hin with all the energy I could muster, and Amnesia being surprised by my sudden outburst was thrown off my body. I sat up quickly. When Amnesia recovered, he laughed hard.

"What's so funny?!?" I shouted at him, smacking him with pillows.

"You are just so cute!! I've never seen someone as interesting as you!" He managed to speak between laughs.

"Why you!" I continued to hit him in embarrassment as he shielded his face with his arms, still laughing.


"Tsk, younglings, if that stupid Amnesia wasn't a strong ally then I would have killed him the moment he laid his eyes on my little birdie" A certain trench coat wearing guy growled to himself, his monocle shining ominously in the dark, and his hat covering his face with shadows.

Happy Halloween my pals!!!

By the way, this chapter is a part of the story, or not, either one is fine.

It won't make much difference, it is just to show my gratitude for all the support, thank you very much you all.

I hope you enjoy, and remember, it will only get weirder from now on, blame my stupid imagination for that.

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