Chapter 15

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I was woken up from my sleep by a sharp noise. I sat up quickly and looked at my phone, only to see that it was 1 am. With a groan, I turned on my lamp and looked around the room, extremely shocked when I saw a weird man clad in red and black. I rubbed my eyes and looked again, the man was still there looking at me. He lunged at me and I opened my mouth to scream, heck, I let out an ear splitting scream.

"Hush babe, you don't want to make this hard" the man said in a heavy voice. I struggled but he just stood up and picked me up like I didn't weighed more than a feather and began walking. He put me down to a sitting position on the grass, at least he didn't drop me. I tried to back away as much as possible, but my back was met with a tree. My mind and heart both were totally frantic.

"Hello love, I'm Deadpool, man Joker has a nice taste in girls, I'll give him that" the man introduced himself, holding out a hand. I just gave him a weird look. He looked at his hand.

"Oh don't worry about that, I am not planning on killing her, or hurting her for that matter. Of course, I have a job. I know she's hot " he spoke randomly. I was even more weirded out. He seemed to notice me. He pulled me up to my feet.

"So Babe, I'm going to teleport us, okay" he said and heaved me up and set me on his shoulder, teleporting before I could respond, making me dizzy.

"Jokey Jokey Here's your girl!" The man called out. I looked around and noticed that I was in some sort of mansion, a normal looking one. From the hallway, Joker appeared.

He gave me a look and said "knock her out". Before my mind could even register his words, I felt a sharp pain, and then, there was nothing but a black void.


When I woke up, the first thing that came to my mind was the darkness of the room, then the fact that I was tied up. Then I remembered what had happened and contemplated on what I should do in a situation like this. I could feel the leather straps around my wrists and ankles. I can't fight, obviously, but I screamed when Deadpool took me, perhaps Black Hat heard it, will he even look for me? Will he leave me here? I don't want to know. Suddenly, the door opened, and light shone in, on the threshold stood a manly figure. The lights turned on blinding me momentarily, by the time my eyes adjusted, fact, my eyes adjust faster in darkness than light, so by the time my eyes adjusted, the figure, that I realized is Joker, was standing in front of me. And with that psychotic grin, he looked ominous.

"Awake Dollface?" He asked. I hesitantly nodded. He grinned wider.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna kill ya, I'm just gonna hurt ya really, really bad" he said before breaking in a series of insane laughs. I gulped as he walked over to a table and picked up a tattoo gun, a f***ing tattoo gun! My eyes widened as I began struggling.

"Now now doll, don't worry, it will just hurt, a lot" he grinned and stepped closer to me.

"Umm.... before you hurt me and make me scream, can I know why I am here?" I asked him, choosing my words carefully so as to please him and earn some time.

"Scream my name?" He out a finger under his chin, as if thinking, "I like the sound of that" he grinned madly.

"I'll scream as loud as I can if you tell me the reason of taking me" I offered. (A/N: Don't ever say what she said in real life, it'll likely not work and it can also make things worse, and this doesn't mean you can get kidnapped either)

"You're here to be my play toy Doll, I've been getting bored and I need some sort of entertainment, I decided that you'd be a perfect toy, and see, you are even suggesting me things." He told me.

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