Want to join my Street Team?

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Hands up who wants to join my street team?


It'll give you the opportunity to win ARCs, eBooks and signed paperbacks, see exclusive excerpts and sneak peeks at covers, get writing or editing advice and of course have a bit of swag with each book launch.

What you might do is share your (honest) review of my books on Amazon (the week of launch if possible) and recommend, rate and review my books on Goodreads - before launch if you have an ARC.

So you don't have to do much (or anything I suppose), but it'd be awesome if you could help spread the word about me and my books. You guys are already my best cheerleaders - if it weren't for you, I never would've had the nerve to self-publish.

Mostly it's all about having some FUN!

If you want to join in, check out http://carolinebatten.co.uk/streetteam


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