"The Stench of Mud and Rainwater (Prologue Part 1)

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It was a quiet night.

"Yeah, Casey?" Mae replied. The two of them were sitting on a log, looking up at the stars.

The stench of mud and rainwater filled the air.

"What do you think is gonna happen to us when we grow up?"

Casey had asked this question so many times, and Mae had had the same answer every time.

"Don't you see, growing up's about freedom! We don't have to go to school, we don't have to listen to our parents, and more! We 're our own people, once and until we die!"

The stars twinkled above, as to match the sparkle in Mae's eyes

Casey chuckled. "See, Mae? This is why you're my best friend. "

He looked straight at her, his eyes glowing in the darkness.

"Thanks." She replied softly.

Everything faded to black...

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