I've been stood up on my wedding day...

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I've been stood up on my wedding day! Have you thought of anything more tragic than that? Here comes the bride, all dressed in white!" - - but where is the groom? My Jonathan?

Father's eyes were apprehensive - - "Madeline - - this is preposterous! - - - Didn't I warn you? Is this what you call maturity and independence at eighteen? I guess we better hurry home!"

But this is not how playwrights picture love. Romeo died for Juliet, Pyramus for Thisbe, Han Suyen called it a many splendored thing!" - - - And Princess Margaret gave up the crown for love!

Jonathan - - - wait till I get you. I am determined to pursue an unceasing justification of my plight! I remember how I fought Father and Mother when first they refused our young engagement. But how we talked to them about independence and youth's self-reliance - - - of the new breed, ready, willing and able not only to vote at eighteen but also get married at eighteen.

I imagine what my gang mates would say - - - "Poor Madeline, she was almost a bride - - -!" "Jonathan must have found out that she's a square!" And all Mother can say is - - "This is most embarrassing!"

Indeed, it is. I should have joined the crusaders for blessed singleness. I should have noted what my father confessor, Fr. Martin, said when I talked about Jonathan and marriage. "Madeline, you're not ready for it. I guess you have to listen to your parents this time!" But I didn't!" I was like a spoiled and stubborn child immensely carried away by the now-generations' indefatigable cry for self-assertion! I was like Jane Fonda speaking for the women's lib movement.

That phone keeps on ringing. Alright, Mother, alright, I'm answering it. Hello - - - Hello - - - Hello!! Don't you darling me Mr. Jonathan Anderson - - - may I be privileged to know where were you at nine o'clock sharp this morning? What? Do you know what you did? Well - - - if you don't - - - then, you'll never knew!!!

I've been stood up on my wedding day because my groom forgot and fell asleep. Marriage at eighteen - - - how do you like that?

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