The killer (TaeJin)

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The sun coated Jin with its ray which made Jin opened his eyes.

Jin: Good morning.

He whispered to the air. He finished his morning routine and when he was picking the clothes, his phone rang. He looked at that caller ID and a smile planted on his lips.

Babe💜 Tae Tae

He picked up the phone and pressed on the green button.

Jin: Hello who is this?
Tae: You don't recognize your future husband?

The deep voice rang into Jin's ears. His voice always gave Jin comfort.

Jin: I'm sorry but I have a boyfriend already.
Tae: Well then who is this boyfriend of yours. I will kick him out of my way from stealing my angel.
Jin: I love my boyfriend okay?!

The other side of the phone chuckled and so did Jin.

Tae: Hey baby. Good morning.
Jin: Good morning babe.
Tae: Wanna meet today?
Jin: Sure! The same old place?
Tae: The same old time.
Jin: Great, can't wait to see you. Bye babe.
Tae: Bye baby.

So Tae was Jin's boyfriend. They both met in highschool and both dated for 2 years. They relationship was smooth but they will get into small fights sometimes. But it will end with both of them cuddling on the couch saying sorry and I love you to each other. Let's just say that they are the pair that everyone wished to be.

Jin hummed a random tone while walking downstairs for breakfast. He saw his dad on the couch, reading news papers. He still get the cold feeling every time he saw his father. His father was a CEO of a company but secretly a leader of a mafia gang too. His father banned Tae and Jin to date, but there was no use since their love is too strong to be broken.

Jin: Good morning dad.

Jin's dad turned to look at him. Jin just smiled at his dad while walking to the dining room.

After Jin finished his breakfast he went to the living room while switching on the television and watched some random TV program. His father sat next to him. After a couple minutes, his father spoke.

Jin's father: Jin, so are you still dating Taehyung?
Jin: Yes father.

Jin gulped his saliva, he was afraid that his father will do something bad to Tae just like last time. Jin's father let out a cold chuckle while handing Jin a dagger. It was very nice to be honest. It was small and detailed. It even carved Jin's name on it. Jin admired the dagger for a few seconds then snapped back to reality.

Jin: Dad... Why did you give me this dagger...
Jin's father: I want you to end his life.

Jin's father whispered into Jin's ears. Jin threw the dagger on the floor, shooting fierce glares at his father while his dad just smiled and pick up the dagger then placed it at the coffee table.

Jin's father: Jin, my son. Don't forget what I'm capable to do, I can make him suffer, it is more painful then dying at the spot. Pick one.

Jin stood up facing his father which is walking to his own bedroom.

Jin: What if I don't kill him.
Jin's father: Then it is either you die or him. Simple.

Jin's father said with a smirk. Jin couldn't control his tears flowing out from his eyes. He can't bear the pain in his heart. He wish he could just run away with Tae, leaving all this message behind. But unluckily his father was so powerful that it was impossible for him to just run away and not be tracked.

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