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Hands up who wants to join my street team?

Being part of the street team will give you the opportunity to:

Win ARCs, eBooks and signed paperbacks
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And of course have a bit of swag with each book launch

In return, you might:

Share your (honest) review of my books on Amazon (the week of launch if possible)
Recommend, rate and review my books on Goodreads - before launch if you have an ARC.

So you don't have to do much (or anything I suppose), but it'd be awesome if you could help spread the word about me and my books. You guys are already my best cheerleaders - if it weren't for you, I never would've had the nerve to self-publish.

Mostly it's all about having some FUN!

If you want to join in, check out carolinebatten.co.uk/streetteam


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