+Chapter Four+

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-Tasting the raw meat...O_O

Chapter Four (Nicky's POV)

I managed to jump over the fences over Landon's backyard, sneaking past the drunk naked couple who thought there wouldn't be people there, doing it behind some bushes. I followed up the music and back into the kitchen. People were utterly wasted now, completely drifting off to dream land. I was searching for Seong Rim, the girl which rainbow had thrown up all over her.

This was ridiculous, she wore the god damn dazzling rainbow clothings and I still couldn't find her. I checked the bathrooms, couples making out again. The occupied rooms upstairs and the living room, still no sign of Seong Rim. I did find Leo, immersing himself into Tiara's kisses. I wanted to go up to warn him when someone banged on the door.

Already? I was the only one that noticed the banging over the loud music. Everyone seemed to be in daze, wasn't concious enough to care what was about to happen.

Blood is what will happen.

My heart accelerated when the banging got louder, pulling some of the people attention. A girl was stupid enough to open the door.

And that stupid girl was Seong Rim.

I pratically ran across the living room, knocking away those idiots. But it was too late, Seong Rim had opened the door wide enough to let all of the fives inside. But thank God Seong Rim was alert enough before she slipped back into the background. I was too slid back right in the crowd, dancing my way towards Seong Rim.

I grabbed her by the waist and she squealed a little. I quickly covered her mouth and for her to see it was just me. She looked puzzled and I just shushed her before the bald man -obviously the leader- started to speak up.

"What da fuck y'all partyin' 'bout?" His lack of grammar skill made me twitched my eyes, something I developed over the years after I started to write. But I ignored it and stayed put, waiting a chance for us to run.

Unfortunately the party was in full-swing and not everybody paid him fully attention. I could see he was very angry when he grabbed a random guy in the collar. The guy protested and wanted to swing his fist at the man right before the man decided to knock him unconcious with his bat. I stared it in wide eyes, I could feel Seong Rim squirmed around my arms. A girl began to scream and everyone finally looked at them.

"Where your leader?"

Everyone was waiting for Landon to show out but they didn't know Landon was a coward. I swore with my life that Landon had already fled the scene, leaving us this hell of mess.

But I knew one person wasn't a coward, and that person was Leo Parker.

"I am, what do you what?" Leo stepped in, full of confident and strong. God, he looked hot. I wanted to shout at him to get back but I couldn't, something stuck inside my throat. I watched carefully, if anything happened I would have to save Leo.

I leaned in into Seong Rim's ear, "this is not going to end pretty. But I need you to run, Seong Rim," she struggled against me but I held her, "no, you run and I'll catch up later. If anything goes wrong, just run. Remember, I'll be right behind." or dying under the steel bat.

Seong Rim wanted to protest but I shushed her, she soon gave up and nodded. Everyone watched as the leader went forward for Leo, squinting his eyes on Leo. He rubbed his chin and shook his head, "I has not seen ya 'round here before."

"It's me you want, what the fuck are you doing here?" I saw Tiara among the crowd, she was in tears with Raymond holding her back. I knew how she was feeling, I was screaming and kicking inside because I was too helpless. I needed to keep Seong Rim safe, she was my priority. I was expressionless but I was torn inside, praying for Leo. Why the police haven't arrive? Someone here got to call them already.

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