Chapter 1: A Party?

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  • Dedicated to The Moon, cause it game me inspiration


All Rights Reserved 2012 ©

The Girly Project

Chapter 1

A Party?

The bell rang loudly, ending class and causing a few students to wake up. I looked at Leon who was a my right and stood up. Leon and I were in all the same classes which was awesome but unfortunately so was Gigi. "Okay class I want that algebra homework by Friday," Mrs Farr said as we all filed out of the room. "Ugh, did you get any of that? I'm pretty sure I'm gonna fail the test on Monday," Leon said in defeat, his head down as we trudged down the halls. "I could help you if you help me in science. I suck," I suggested when we reached the doors of the cafeteria.

As usual Nitro, Brody and Cake joined us and we all walked in. Now our school is just like every other high school. There are 20 different tables with a clique at each table unfortunately. We walked over to our usual table, dumped our stuff on the table and instantly started a conversation.

"All the girl's are talking about some big party Gigi's throwing. Have any of you heard anything about it?" Brody said with a confused expression on his face. We all looked at each other and shook our heads just before Gigi walked up to our table. "Hey Leon. You're coming to my party next Friday, right?" Gigi asked as she battered her eye lashes and stroked Leon's arm flirtatiously. I looked away so I wouldn't start laughing. Nitro and Cake were trying to contain their laughter which made me want to laugh even more. "Uh sure. Hey, Jatz, can your brother give us a ride?" Leon replied awkwardly, turning to me. "Yup" I said to him, popping the 'p'. "Jateya's invited right?" Leon asked. "Yeah whatever. See you there Leo," Gigi answered with a wink. She spun around and strut back to her table, her heels clicking against the ground and her hips swaying side to side.

We all instantly started laughing, even Brody, as Leon shot us daggers with his eyes. "That was so not funny. It was creepy!" he said with a slight chuckle. We stopped laughing eventually and started talking about skate boards. The bell went once again, interrupting our conversation, making us all groan.

"Catch you later!" Leon and I called out to the boys as we separated. We were ready for English but not ready for what was going to happen in English.

Leon and I took our seats at the back of the class at a table for 3 and got our things out, waiting for Mr Callaway to enter the room. Gigi sat herself down next to Leon and smiled at him. I giggles as Leon shuffled closer to me a bit, most likely trying to escape Gigi's weirdness. "Class, today we have a surprise test! Take a sheet and start. You have 45 minutes," Mr Callaway said when he entered the room and handed a pile of sheets to Austin, who started handing them out. The room was silent as we all started the test.

Okay, so these questions are way too easy for me. "Jatz? These questions are too easy and Gigi is scaring me," I heard Leon whisper from beside me. I smiled at my sheet and replied. "Yeah, they're easy peasy. What's she doing?" I looked at him and saw his face was full of fear. He looked at me and frowned. "She's got her hand on my knee and she's rubbing it" he said as he leaned closer to me and ran a hand through his hair.

"Mr Callaway! Jateya and Leon are cheating!" Gigi exclaimed from beside us, causing us to break apart quickly, my heart pounding and Leon looking down awkwardly.

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