Chapter 2 - Detention

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Chapter 2


"Jateya Clulow and Leon Brookes, out of my classroom now! Detention for 2 hours this afternoon! You've failed this test! You will wait outside until class is over!" boomed Mr Callaway, his face turning bright red. Some students jumped and others laughed at us getting in trouble Leon and I got to our feet, gathered out things and quickly walked out with our heads down.I honestly didn't care about getting in trouble but I knew Leon was silently flipping out. He hardly ever gets into trouble and when he does his mum goes crazy.

We went into the hall and closed the door behind us quietly before standing either side of the door. I leaned back and looked at Leon sympathetically. It broke my heart looking at him because of how upset he looked with his head down. It sounds stupid being upset about getting in trouble but you're not Leon. I sighed and slid down the wall.

"I'm sorry Leon, I really am.." I quietly said, my voice full of sincerity.

He looked at me and smiled. "Jatz... It's nothing really. I look upset but really... wait, I am upset. Okay, I'm not upset about getting in trouble. I'm upset because Gigi is mean to you and got us in trouble just to get to you," he replied, smiling as he looked at me. I smiled back at him and we just waited for class to finish.

Finally the bell rang and students rushed out of the English room and other rooms. Pretty soon afterwards the halls became crowded very quickly, me and Leon still stuck outside the English room. We stayed in the corridor as students left the school and a few minutes later the school was basically empty. "Follow me," Mr Callaway said when he stepped out of the class room and walked down the hall. We followed silently, our heads down, not daring to say a word. We walked until we reached the detention room. "I want you to clean all of the desks and the blackboard until your 2 hours is up. If you finished before time is up then you can tidy the rest of the room," informed Mr Callaway when we stepped into the room. Surprisingly we were the only ones there. I looked at Leon and sighed loudly.

"Get to work!" Mr Callaway ordered. Leon and I rushed to the supply closet in the corner, got cleaning stuff and started cleaning the desks.

I sat at one end of the room while Leon sat at the other, both of us scrubbing the desks. I hummed along to Paint You Wings by All Time Low as I scrubbed to the beat. I looked over at Leon and smirked at his serious expression. "Why so serious Mr Brookes?" I questioned. "F. M. L," he simply replied. I rolled my eyes at him and fished my iPhone out of back pocket. "WE NEED MUSIC!" I shouted, causing Leon to jump and laugh at me. I put Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen, the dubstep version, and started dancing weirdly. Leon laughed at me and soon joined in. We must of looked like lunatics, dancing around while cleaning.

After several songs we were finished we finished and were just sitting on the floor beside the door just talking. Leon was talking about his future and how he didn't know what he wanted to be. I wasn't really listening, I was staring at him. That sounded weird but I was. I was admiring his facial features that I hadn't notice before. Like the way his eyes turn a light caramel colour in the sun and when he smiles or talks his dimple in his left cheek shows. He has a defined jaw line and he plays with his hands when he talks. Wait... How do I know these things? It just cause you're best friends I told myself. I started to actually listen to him after that..

"Jatz... I can talk to you about anything, right?" Leon asked nervously before looking down at his hands. Oh no. He's having a serious moment. I'm rarely serious so I don't know what to do. "Yup, you sure can," I replied cheerfully, hoping that my cheerfulness would rub off on him. "Well... I.. Um... I think I have a crush on someone," he said quickly. What?!

The door burst open and Mr Callaway appeared. "Time's up, now get out of my face," yelled Mr Callaway before walking away. Leon and I scramble to our feet and walked out of the room. Once we were outside I question Leon. "You what?" Leon had a determined face as he started to fasten his pace. "All i said was i like someone, you know like fancy," he replied, not making eye contact. HE LIKES SOMEONE?!

"Who?" I asked trying to catch up to him. I stopped and gave up because he was too fast. Why is he not telling me anything? I thought best friends told each other everything...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2013 ⏰

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