Skater madness

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Credits to @flowercrown-Bradley on tumblr,
this is there story.
"This is gonna be exciting." Connor laughed making the other two boys join him. You glanced at them while rolling your eyes.

"Come on now, love. I'll hold onto your arms and try to put the both of your foot on the board." Brad gently said while you hesitated, him grabbing onto the both of your forearms while you grabbed tightly onto his hands. You slowly placed one foot in and you're already a shaking disaster, making the other boys laugh a little and Brad holding his grip much tighter. "T-the board's m-moving back and forth, Brad! I can't do it!" You squealed. He reassures you gently saying that it's okay, "If you put your other foot on love, then it won't shake as much. C'mon baby, you can do it." You let out a shaky breath and immediately placed your left foot on. You almost fell backwards but Brad quickly placed his hand on your back. "You guys looks so funny." Tris laughs as he grabs his phone from his back pocket and takes a photo of us. It took all of my strength not to yell at him because if I did I think I would fall completely.

"Good, now bend your knees slightly." You did as he told while still shaking a bit. "That's it!" he exclaims. "Now you can get off now, and I'll teach you how to ride it simply." He breathes as he guided you to come back down. I don't know if you know this, but it's as hard to come down as it to stand on the board while skateboarding. Once your feet stepped out of the ground you turned your head to Tristan who was still giggling and you gave him the looks. "Now, Y/N, come 'ere." He gestures.

"Now, look babe. Put one of your foot in it, whatever you're most comfortable with, and bend it slightly. I'll hold you again." You followed his instructions, grabbing onto his biceps and him grabbing on your waist. You were shaking a little bit than earlier now and took a deep breath, "That's right baby." He encouraged. It wasn't the same as facing sideways though, you were facing directly in front.

"Now, here's the thing. Take your other foot to the ground and slowly use it to push your body." He instructed once again. Here goes. The moments those three boys have been waiting for, just to laugh at my clumsiness.

"I swear I think Y/N's gonna fall." James chuckled, leaving Brad to let out a quite harsh "Shh!". "Shut up, she's learning!" he defended. "Come on, slowly now love." He whispered, encouraging you more. You smiled, he really wants you to learn this thing, doesn't he?

You paddled your left foot on the ground slowly but surely while Brad was still gripping your waist, following you slowly. "There we go!" he said while you, well, you think you got the hand of it. He let go of you slowly and you started to panic. You thought you got the hang of it, but you didn't. The reason was because he was still holding onto you and you thought you were fine because he's holding you. But when he released you, your body shook and soon enough, your foot that was on the board slipped forwards, leaving your body to fall down, arms first hitting the ground.

You grunted loudly, hearing the other boys to curse. "Holy fuck, Y/N." Brad panicked, lowering himself down to you, holding your sides. "I'm so sorry baby!" he cried out, putting one of his hand on your lower back and one on the upper side. You heard footsteps running towards the both of you and Tristan, Connor, and James' head popped on your sight. "I told you." James whispered, making Connor nudged his shoulder, signaling that right now's not the time. "Fucking hell, I think I injured my arm. I can't move it. It stings holy sh..." You can't finish your sentence because of the pulsing pain your left arm was giving you.

"Fuck sake." Brad murmured while running his hands through his hair. "Wait a sec, Y/N. I'll tell the team." He said, mentioning the team they always had on tour when someone gets injured. "You shouldn't have spoken, James." Brad said loud enough while he goes to call the team. You sighed, cringing from the pain it still gave you. I can't move my whole body now, can I? God I'm so clumsy. You thought. "So, you guys are gonna just stare at my aching body here?" You spoke. "Oh, y-yeah, right." Connor replied as he tried to carry you bridal style without making you lie back down because of all of the whining you've let out.


You were sat down on a couch inside the little trailer they had where the team stayed. They've finished putting on a cast on your left forearm, linking to your biceps which they had to put on an arm sling. "All of this only because of a skateboard. Damn it." You sighed.

"Babe!" you heard a familiar voice boomed inside the trailer. Your eyes flicked up to see Brad walking towards you, sitting down beside you. "I know I'm an asshole for letting you go without a warning." He said almost pleadingly. You shook your head while smiling a bit. "No, its alright Brad. I thought I got the hand of it anyway. I guess I was wrong." You leaned slightly to give a peck on his cheek. He blushed while looking at your white arm sling, frowning the slightest bit. "I guess we're all wrong." He chuckled. You joined him while leaning your head on his shoulder. "I knew it would go wrong anyways," he turned to look at your face while a slight confused expression crept into his face,

"I just wanted to do it for your own entertainment purposes." You air-quoted. His hands immediately grabbed the back of your neck and kissed you passionately. You weren't expecting this at all. I mean, it was just a joke. But who really cares, Bradley Simpson is kissing you right now. Your lips soon separated while panting a bit, trying to catch your breath. "Seeing you injure your bones isn't entertainment to me." He sternly said but you didn't mind, you knew he was just looking over you. "I know, I was just joking Brad." You forced a smile. He shook his head a bit while kissing your forehead. You don't know why, but there's something about those weird kissing noise that makes you smile and shivers creeping down your spine. "Baby, I'm really sorry though, really. If it wasn't for me you wouldn't be like...this." He gestured to your injured left arm. You looked at him in his eyes and it was full of both sorrow and love. Aw.

"Baby..." you breathed, lifting up your right hand to caress his cheek, moving up to brush his hair off of his face, leaning in to kiss his nose, making him giggle. "Bradley, I'm okay. I'm still alive and that's the important bit. I don't hate you or anything, okay? Please don't think about that it's your fault. Okay, you did released me without knowing, but if I just didn't land on my side this wouldn't happen, hm? It's not your fault baby." You murmured against the crook of his neck while he hugged you, careful not to hit your left arm in any way. He mumbled an okay and rested his forehead at the top of your head.

Soon enough while the both of you were still cuddling, the three other boys went in and you saw Brad's face changed while staring at James, particularly. "Babe..." you warned. "Heya, Y/N, are you okay?" he said while they took a seat in front of the both of you. "Yeah, I'm alright." You replied while smiling at them. "I swear James," he started but you quickly cut him off with a kiss. "I swear I think these two are trying to make us miss our girlfriends more." Connor laughed while they all joined. "Look, Y/N, I'm sorry about earlier, I shouldn't have teased you." James said while walking over you and trying to get your attention. You felt Brad's hold gripping you tighter, "Get away James." He joked, gripping you actually really hard making you squirm and felt him squeeze your left arm a little. "Oh, I'm sorry!" he exclaimed while the boys laughed. You shook your head, getting up. "I swear no place here is safe." You mumbled while they laughed a bit louder, turning towards the door while giving them a middle finger. "No one's fucking safe here." You laughed to yourself while heading back to the makeshift kitchen getting a bottled water. Goddamn it, Brad. Why today.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2018 ⏰

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