"What happened to paradise"

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Credits to @tradleygivesmelife on tumblr,
this is there story.
WARNING: This imagine contains slightly mature content.
You and Brad have been waiting for this week forever. The resort you two had booked was beautiful and Brad got an amazing deal on it. There was so much to do and you had been really excited to be able to go on vacation with your boyfriend.

As you walk out of your guys' room and over to the front desk you ask the guy working if the bar was open. He responds with a rather flirty and stupid statement, "Only for you baby"

You laugh and thank him, walking over the bar. You order 4 shots for you and Brad to split because you really don't feel like getting super drunk. Brad walks over and puts his arm around your waist, "Hey baby, I'm glad there's no one else here" he gestures to the rather empty bar.

"Me too, now this is all we're ordering because I want to be able to remember this trip" you laugh as you take one shot. Brad laughs and downs a shot as well. You guys start talking about their American tour and how they weren't able to hit every state.

"....Yeah it really sucks. I feel really bad for Arizona, we haven't seen them since 2014...."

You nod and agree downing another shot, after you decide your gonna go swimming so you head into your guys' hotel room changing into your bright blue floral bikini. As you walk out of your hotel room you spot the front desk guy again and wave trying to be as friendly as possible. He whistles and gestures me over so I walk over to him.

"Hey babe. That bikini is sexy as fuck. How about I join you in that hottub?" He says as he traces a finger along your hip. You pull his finger off and laugh, "I'm sorry hot pants but I have a boyfriend" You retort and walk away.

You walk over to the pool and into the hottub. As you take in the relaxing scenery you hear a splash and look over into the pool. Brad had just jumped in. You laugh and shout, "I'm in the hottub dumbass" he looks at you, rolls his eyes, and continues swimming around all by himself. You shake your head not getting why he is being like this and close your eyes enjoying the nice summer sun.

After an hour or so of hottubbing you get out and walk over to where Brad is. "Hey babe I'm going up to the room" He looks at you, shrugs, and swims off. You roll your eyes getting a little pissed off and walk up to the room. You walk right past the front desk guy and give him a flirty smile. Once you get into your room you change into a halter top and some ripped shorts. You lay on your bed and turn on the TV. After about 15 minutes of channel surfing you come upon one of your favorite movies ever, The Proposal.

You may in bed watching the proposal and as your getting to the part when Ryan Reynolds announces their fake engagement Brad walks into the room. You roll your eyes and act like you never saw him come inside. As you continue watching the movie Brad changes into some basketball shorts and sits in one of the chairs located across from the TV.

Once the movie is over you ask, "What do you want for dinner?" Brad looks at you and responds, "Well I know you already had some of that front desk guy to eat so I'll figure something out on my own"

You glare at him and respond rather loudly, "You know what Brad! I don't know why your getting so upset! All I did was talk to the guy. I even told him I had a boyfriend! So if your gonna go get all pissed off about it leave!"

"Well maybe if you wouldn't have let him say anything flirty to you since the beginning I wouldn't be as mad! I can't help but be mad if you are flirting back!!"

"Your just jealous! Admit it!"

"Y/N that's the stupidest thing you've said all day! Why would I be jealous of a guy who probably flirts with every girl he comes upon. He's just a fuckboy but you decided to be his dirty slut!!"

As you take in what Brad just said you can instantly see the regret in his face. As tears start making their way down your cheeks Brad walks over and attempts to put his hand on your cheek. You swat it off and yell, "I'm just his dirty slut!? Really Brad!! You know what I can't be here. I'm not gonna sit in a room with someone who called me a dirty slut!! Maybe I will go hang out with the so called "FuckBoy"!!"

You start throwing clothes in one of your backpacks as Brad apologizes, "Y/N I'm so sorry! Your not a slut I just got jealous I'm sorry babygirl please don't leave"

You look him in the eyes as you make your way to the door and say one last sentence, "What Happened To Paradise?"

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