Opposites Attract-chpt39-

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Camilla's POV.

I woke now, shaking. It was freezing, and I turned the television quickly. "Summers' High, school today. Bundle up, though!

The winds are blowing like crazy!" The woman said. I groaned, and looked at my watch. 7 AM. Perfectly. "Dakota, wake up."

I said, hopping on top of him. He was even cold. This weather was horrible. I mean, I loved the snow, but it was way too

cold for me. I sighed, and Dakota woke up slowly. "Is it.. morning?" He whispered. I nodded, and smiled at him. He returned

it, but it didn't his his eyes. I kissed his cheek softly, and gently climbed off him. He pulled me back, and smirked. He placed

his lips carefully on mine. I smiled, and kissed him gently. "School time." I said. He kissed my cheek, and got up. I made my way

to the shower, and began to strip out of my warm clothes. I jumped into the shower, with the steaming water cascading down my back.

I sighed, and began to wash all my worries away.

I was now out, and sitting on the bathroom's sink. I brushed my teeth, and slipped on my green bunny slippers. I loved them. Walking out the

bathroom, Dakota was wrapped in a towel, the same as I was. I walked to the closet quietly, and picked out a pair of jeans, a long sleeved shirt,

and a gray hoodie. Dakota walked into the bathroom, probably to change. I quickly threw on my clothes, and put my phone into my bag. I walked downstairs,

slipping on my boots. I walked into the kitchen, grabbing a granola bar, and walked back to the stairs. "I'm ready!" I yelled, and Dakota came running down the stairs, dressed in a black hoodie and jeans. "It's freaking freezing!" He said, and I nodded my head. I opened the door, and walked out slowly. The snow was

covering the ground, and the wind blew. I cursed silently under my breath, and looked around, then started to walk. Before I knew it, I stopped dead in my tracks. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see someone looking at me and whispering. I looked over, and saw Josh. He was standing next to the girl I saw the other day. She was wearing a bright neon green shirt, and a dark wash pair of jeans. He looked at me, mouthing, "I'm sorry." I ignored it, and someone wrapped something around my shoulders. I saw that it was Dakota. He wrapped his own jacket around my shoulders, and started walking toward the car. I sighed, following him, not looking back at Josh.

"You can have it back." I started, "I don't want you to freeze." Dakota smiled over at me, and said, "Keep it." It smelled just like him, and I cosed my eyes, smelling the jacket one more time. I heard chuckling, and I stuck my tongue out at Dakota. He laughed even more, and pulled into the school. Dakota pulled up to the parking space further away from the whole school, and smiled at me. "Ready?" I nodded my head, and jumped out the car. Before I could close the door, Dakota was at my side. I wrapped the jacket back around him, and he frowned. "You need it." I giggled, and he took my hand. I smiled at him, and we walked towards the school. "Camilla!" Jenny screamed, and people looked at her. She rolled her eyes, and ran up to me, giving me a big bear hug. I hugged her back even tighter. "I missed you guys!" Cassie stood next to Dakota, but Dakota was too busy looking around. "Cassie!" I screamed, when she bear hugged me, too. We both giggled, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dahlia staring us down. I turned to her, and gave her a nice smile. Her face relaxed a bit, but she rolled her eyes. Her and her gang walked away. Before I knew it, someone's hands went over my eyes, and I was being lifted. I squealed, and people were laughing. "Put me down!" I screeched, and someone laughed even more, and I recognized the laugh: Brian. "Brian! I'm gonna kill you!" I said, trying to kick at him. The hands left my face, and I now noticed I was being carried over to a big pile of snow. "NO! Don't do it!" I tried looking at the person carrying me, and I saw it was Nate. "Put me down Nate! I'm gonna fucking kill you!" He said, "What? I can't hear you!" And dropped me in the snow. I screamed, and Nate started running. Too bad he wasn't fast enough for me. I picked up snow and threw it RIGHT in his face. "Shit!" He screamed, and I heard laughter. I jumped on his back, making him fall into another pile of snow. "I hate you!" I screamed, freezing. He exploded in laughter, and someone touched my shoulder. "Don't kill him. I need him for practice today!" Brian said, laughing. "You guys are so mean!" I yelled, and kicked him in his crotch. He doubled over, and I kicked his butt into the snow. People were still laughing, and Brian yelled, "Dammit, Camilla!" I then remembered him being sick, and took his hand, pulling him out of the snow. He dusted off his black shirt, and rubbed my head. "Still getting over the cold?" He nodded, and laughed. Then, I moved to Nate, pulling him out. He looked pissed, and stared me down. After almost 3 minutes of staring, we both exploded in laughter. "We're going in." Dakota called. I ran over to him, and hugged him. He didn't hug me back immediately, but sooner or later, he did. Seth was talking to Jenny and Cassie about sports. Brian and Nate were smacking each other over the head. But someone was missing: Josh. I feared this now, mainly because his locker was to the right of mine, when Dakota's was to the left. "Dude, what's up with you and Josh?" Nate asked. I gave him a death glare, and he put his hands up, as if a police just caught him stealing something. I sighed, and noticed someone familiar at the beginning of the entrance at the school. It was the girl we saw this morning. She had a smile plastered on her face, and hugged Brian. "Brian!" She screamed. He rolled his eyes, and I said, "I gotta go. See you guys later, Nate, Seth." I paused. "Brian, see you in math." I coughed. "Dork!" I coughed again, and began to walk off.They laughed, "Oh wow." The girl said, and I turned around. "Ew." Jenny whispered, and rolled her eyes at the girl, and walked off towards me. Cassie whispered something, and Brian giggled. The girl rolled her eyes, and Cassie walked toward us, too. I smiled at them, and walked into the school, grabbing Dakota's arm. "What's up, hun?" I asked him. "Oh, nothing." He said simply, and walked to our lockers. "Liar." He smiled at me, and said, "You know me so well." I giggled, and we both opened our lockers. I piled useless things I wouldn't need till later into my empty locker. I took what I needed and shut the rusty lock. Dakota was waiting for me, and smiling. "Ready for class?" I nodded, and he took my hand. Josh now walked up to his locker, staring at me the whole time. He opened his mouth, and before anything could come out, Dakota was walking with me to class. I looked back at Josh, but he was slamming stuff in his locker. Dakota opened the door to the classroom, and we walked in, me tugging behind him. The teacher was sitting at his desk, and there was only about 10 of us in here. Then, more kids kept piling in, me recognizing most as jocks and cheerleaders. We sat at a two seater table, with Dakota next to me, secretly still having our hands inertwined. His hand was arm, and it kept me cool. I smiled to myself, and started to doodle with my free left hand.

"Okay class, I'm going to need you to split up into 7 groups of 4. Quickly!" The teacher said. I sighed, and immediately, me and Dakota stayed close to each other. Then, Josh and Brian walked into the classroom, late. Josh's head was hung low, and Brian was smiling, as always, not even indicating a bit that he'd been sick over the few days. "Guys! You're late. Take a seat with a group. Some more people still need two members." The teacher said. "Shit." I heard Dakota mumble under his breath. I thought I'd might have to reassure Dakota, so I got closer to his ear and whispered, "I love you, and only you." He giggled, and beamed from ear to ear. I kissed his cheek softly, and Brian walked over to the table, with Josh hesitating behind him. He looked uncomfortable. "Hey, you can come sit with us." Dakota said, quietly that only Josh could probably hear him. Josh nodded again, but hesitated, and just walked over. He sat further away from the table, and I squeezed Dakota's hand tighter. He chuckled under his breath, and the teacher spoke again. "Over the summer, you were asked to read the book, Romeo and Juliet. We will be finally discussing that today. There's papers in the middle of the desks for you guys to fill the answers in, and I need that done by the end of the class. Got it?" Everyone answered back, "Yes" And quietly went back to work. I hadn't read the book over the summer, but I've read it before. I knew every part of the story. I filled my answers in quickly, and I heard a "Psst." I looked around, and Brian snapped his finger. I stared at him confused, and he mouthed, "What's the first answer?" He held up a finger, indicating one. I giggled, and showed him my paper. He nodded and gave me a thumbs up, and kept bothering me about the answers. "Psst. Camilla! Psst. Look at me. Over here! Ugh! Answer me! Psst." Then he threw a paper ball at my forehead. "What the hell?!" I whispered, and stomped on his foot. "Oh, shiiit." He groaned, and turned red. I covered my mouth with my hand and Dakota started laughing. Even Josh did. The teacher cleared his throat, and now said, "Okay. Discuss your answers within your group." I sighed, and looked back at Brian. "Fuck." He whispered. "You have huge feet!" I giggled, and so did Dakota. "So abusive..Hmm." Josh muttered quietly that I probably only heard. I rolled my eyes at him, and he smirked. "Well.. we do all know that the Montagues and the Capulets are sworn enemies? I started. Josh raised his hand, and said, "Well, I think Juliet is stubborn. She won't even let Romeo talk to her." He was definitely going off topic, and I glared at him. "Well, maybe Romeo is a huge douchebag." Brian jumped in saying, "Oh! Burn! Do you need some ice to cool that wound?!" Dakota and him howled in laughter, and they both high - fived each other. Both I and Josh glared at Brian. "Sorry." He said, with coughs. "Well, maybe Romeo just wanted to learn a bit more about Juliet. She ignored him, and you do know that hurts." Josh said, now standing up, leaning over the table. I stood up then too. "Well, maybe Romeo is just a nosy asshole!" I shouted back at him. "Dude, just quit it." Brian said, nudging Josh in the gut. Josh quickly said, "Shut up." He paused."Maybe Romeo just wanted to learn about the cuts that was all over Juliet's wrists! He was worried!" He screamed back. I felt myself tearing up, but I blinked back the tears quickly. Dakota tried pulling me down to him, but I was frozen. I just quickly walked over to the door and left.

I looked at the reflection in the mirror. I pulled my sleeves up, looking at the cuts that were probably going to be scarred there forever. I traced them over perfectly, and spaced out for a minute. I was being shook about 5 minutes later. I blinked my eyes opened, and saw Dahlia standing next to me, with my arms in her hands. I pulled my wrist back quickly, but she grabbed them again. "Stop." She commanded, and looked again. "Shit. You cut too?" She asked. "Used to. I don't think I might, ever again." She frowned, and said, "I lost my best friend to those fucking blades. And I didn't even know she was cutting until the day she died." She was brushed her hair, and making faces in the mirror. I flinched, when she turned around again. "Bye." She said, and walked out of the bathroom. I followed her out, but she disappeared as soon as I looked around. Then, Josh rounded the corner. His quick walking turned into running, and he was running after me. I immediately began running. I turned another corner, seeing a trash can. I quickly threw it behind me, trying to making Josh fall, but he perfectly jumped over that, speeding up.I tried moving my legs quicker, and ended up dusting him. He caught up quickly, and to the point where he could touch me, he pushed me against the lockers. I bumped into one and he moved closer to me, where the point that our chests were moving up and down, touching eachothers. "You. Are really. Fast." He breathed out. "Same to you." I said, quickly. "What the hells been up with us lately? I haven't talked in you forever." He said. "It's only been about 3 days." I paused, "And 7 hours." He frowned, and backed up, giving me the much needed space I deserved. "It felt like forever," He started. "Look, I'm sorry. Everything. I wish I could take it back. I'm sorry. Truly sorry. I'm sorry about hurting you, asking you about the cuts, everything. And Harmonie." Who was Harmonie? "Who?" I asked, confused. "Harmonie. The annoying girl you saw with me the other day? Her." I nodded, even though still confused. "Look, you don't have to apologize about her, I understand, it's-" He immediately stopped me. "She's my sister. Not anything else."

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