Opposites Attract-chpt38-

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You people are probably wondering, "Who's this mystery person?"

Well, I've given you a little clue, but it's not going to give you the answer

of who's the person. It was to throw you off track. :)

This will be a chapter of everyone's POV. All the characters we have so far,

including mystery person~!


Mystery Person's POV.

I'd decided to take a shower. I was expecting the idiot to call me back, but I guess

not. I sighed, and grabbed whatever to throw on. It happened to be a pair of jeans and

a long shirt. I coughed, and sighed again. I walked slowly into the bathroom, and began

to undress myself. I jumped into the shower, the hot water calming my nerves.

Camilla's POV.

I was still wrapped in Dakota's arms. He held me tightly, as if I was going to leave him,

or possibly get away. It wasn't possible. He had a little smile on his face, but he was sleep.

I lightly touched his face, and looked at my bracelet: 2:45 AM. I sighed, and figured that I'd at least

try to get back to sleep.

Dakota's POV.

I was dreaming. I had to be. Camilla was sitting at a table, across from some guy. He was holding her

hands, and they were laughing together. "That should be me.." I whispered to myself. I couldn't make out who

the guy was, so I looked all around me. I was in a black room, and it was dirty. But, when I looked out the window,

the sun was shining, and it was beautiful out. Camilla was wearing a yellow sundress, and she looked beautiful. The

guy was wearing a dark pair of jeans and a white shirt. I sighed to myself, and I saw him kiss her cheek. I started calling her

name, but she couldn't hear me. There were no doors in this room, so I began to bang my fists against the window.

"Camilla! Over here!" I waved to see if she could see me. But, she couldn't. They then stood up,

and started to walk off. I could now see clearly, that the guy was Brian. "What about me?" I whispered, and passed out.

Brian's POV.

I was laying on the couch. It was hot, and I was sweating. I coughed some more, and then decided I should get up.

It was now 3 AM, and I lifted myself off the couch. I was dressed in sweatpants, and my chest was bare. I put my palm

to my forehead: It was burning. I sighed, and thought I should shower. Maybe it would help me.

Jennilyn's POV.

I was up, sitting in the corner of my room. It was freezing, and Tasha was asleep on my lap. She couldn't sleep, which means

I wouldn't sleep. She said she was having bad dreams, and now here we are. I've been staring out the window for hours, not really

focusing on anything. I watched the snow fall quietly, and I sighed. I would have to get a job soon. Mom wasn't making much money, and

If I could at least get 2 jobs, we'd be able to actually pay for heat. I shouldn't have bought all those clothes. I silently cursed at myself, and slammed

Opposites Attract.(:  -[*A Teenage Love Story! c:]-Where stories live. Discover now