Summer's Kiss ; Chapter 12

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The excitement in the air was especially palpable in the busy, lively streets of the city, in the afternoons with the laughter of friends heading out on lunch dates and the eager rush of businessmen dashing to grab their quick lunch fixes. Past the rows of apartment blocks and office buildings, one would notice a small cafe nestled in the middle of the mess and bustle - shorter than the others around it and sparkling with the reflection of the scorching sun. Through the huge glass windows, one could almost glimpse the luxurious yet cozy interior of the room.

 What greeted me as I entered what was less commonly known as, “Pat’s Café,” was the fragrance of the ever alluring Jasmine flower complimented by the soft rumble of classical music. Almost instantly, I felt my mouth curl into a small smile. Within a mere few seconds, I had developed much passion for this place.  

“Like it huh?” Zayn whispered beside me, and I nodded in response. Well maybe like was an understatement, I would term it as love. 

“Come on!” Zayn motioned to a small corner but to his disappointment, I didn’t budge. He chortled as he grabbed my hand, planting my butt firmly on the seat, before shooting me a coy smile. 

“I was going to move!” I argued in my defence, as he shrugged. 

Soon enough, Louis and Liam had decided to grace us with their presence as they prodded into the café. I bit my tongue to keep myself from laughing at how out of place they looked here.  

“Hey,” Liam mumbled as he approached us, and plopped down on the seat beside me. For some weird reason, he seemed to be trapped in a daze as his gaze remained glued onto the table before Louis took his place beside Zayn.  

“Have you guys ordered yet?” Louis inquired. 

“Nope, we were waiting for you to get your asses here.” I shook my head, in feign distaste at them. 

“Well I’m sorry, but Liam had encountered a slight problem with the floor.” Louis explained. 

“I did not!” Liam retorted as his cheeks turned a light shade of pink. Seriously, what was wrong with him?  

“What problem?” Zayn piqued in directing the question at Liam, his brow cocking to one side. 

“N-nothing.” Liam stuttered, as he failed miserably to maintain visual contact with Zayn.  

“Okay, then. Let’s orde-“ Zayn began but was cut off. 

“Zayn!” A high pitched voice enthused from behind, causing all four of us to snap our heads in that direction only to be met with a brunette lady. 

“Pat!” Zayn chirped as he stood up, extending his arms, giving her a tight hug. 

“Pat, this is Harry, Louis and Liam.” Zayn introduced us as we all greeted her with a, “hey,” in unison in which she politely returned. 

“So what do you boys want?” Pat inquired, as she fished out her note pad. 

“What’s good?” Louis shot back, his tone immersed in pure amusement for some strange reason. 

“How about I just surprise you boys? Sound good?” Pat suggested, as she laughed.  

“Yeah!” We chorused, as she tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. 

“Hey Zayn?” Pat began. 

“Yeah?” Zayn responded, almost immediately. 

“Which one’s your boyfriend?” Pat questioned, before erupting into a fit of giggles as a blush radiated from his face. With that, Pat stumbled back into the kitchen her laughter engulfing the room. 

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