OSM chapter 5...?

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Malorie ran out of the double doors of the Cafeteria, taking a few steps once outside, then stopping.

it was right in front of her

Malorie was breathless and frozen. ( Do you want to hide a bodyyyyyyyy??? XD) She was standing Right. In. Front. Of. The. T.A.R.D.I.S.

"It-It-It's real! She's real!" she exclaimed, unable to contain her excitement.

"Of course she's real!" replied a male voice.

Malorie looked up, and just stared in shocked. "D-D-D-D-Doctor?!?" she asked, whispering.

"In thr flesh, love. You asked for me to come, so of course i-" he was cut off by the one and only, Clara Oswin Oswald.

"Hey Doctor-oooooo....Are you replacing me?" asked Clara, but Malorie couldn't tell if she was serious, and she wasn't sure The Doctor could either.

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