Chapter One

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Life is so messed up.

What is wrong with me? I look, frustrated at my homework. What does it mean? Am I so terrible?

Where does X go and where does b go?

I was too nervous to ask my cousin so I didn't ask him at all. He would just snap at me. I stared at the homework as if it was a snake two inches away from me. Life sure is turning upside down. I might as well cling onto what I have left. I picked my jacket up, which was laying on the ground, and got up. I slipped it on, feeling secure with my father.

I could see everything when I get downstairs. My cousin will tell on me, probably telling Aunt Heather that I didn't do my homework. Well only if that stupid kid would help me! I scowled, imaging everything clearly like melting snow.

I would go out the window.

Smart idea, Emily. Real smart.

Today, it was Tuesday. It means four more days to go before I get to visit my mom. She's been a bit distant the last time I visited her, but I'm sure she'll be perfectly normal by the time I see her again on Saturday. I whipped out my phone and texted my best friend, Allie. It went somehow like this:

Emily_Panda🐼|Hey Allie

Alli-Gator🐊|Meow. What's up?

Emily_Panda🐼|Wondering if u can pick me up

Alli-Gator🐊|Nya. Sure. See u outside

And that was the end of our conversation. I could feel myself smiling, Allie sure was the best friend ever. We were in high school, and she recently got her driver's license. Too bad I probably will never. Only if my father was still here...and my Aunt Heather will never let me borrow her car.

I opened my window, and felt the cooling air touch my tan skin. I could already see Allie's car out there, a bit distant but waiting for me. She was always cautious to never park too close, my Aunt Heather would have her head if she did. Aunt Heather had complained to me once, "Why don't you get some decent friends?" She wouldn't even let Allie set foot in the house. I basically ignored her.

But I think Allie can fix everything. She always does. I took a deep breath and stood on the windowsill. It wasn't the first time I did this, but I always felt a little scared before jumping. I carefully closed the window behind me, making sure I don't forget anything because after the window is locked, I can't get in unless I go in the back door or the front door which will result in a very angry Aunt Heather and a smug looking cousin.

I leapt down. Adrenaline cruised through me but it ended quick.

I started walking, pulling my hood over my really noticeable red hair. Ugh, I could be spotted a hundred miles away! I swiftly walked to Allie's shiny silver car, suddenly wishing she bought a darker one. The car was more noticeable than my hair! I tap on the glass and my friend grinned, she unlocked the doors.

"So what's up?" Allie asked once I got in and sat down in the passenger seat. "You called me up so quick, I thought you were dying." Allie shook her head.

"I didn't die." I assured her. "Besides, if I were to die, I would tell you first."

It was true, she was my best friend and I always told her everything, the latest gossip to the most embarrassing secrets. I really hope our friendship won't be destroyed.

We both grin and we were off. It's been so long since I felt that happy.

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