How to Survive a Horror Movie ..

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Story Picture is @LisaaMarie

01 . Never Be The Hero

02 . Never say "Ill Be Right back"

03 . Don't be curious or suspicious

04 . Always Look back

05 . Don't fall over that imaginary branch

06 . Never go somewhere Alone

07 . Get Weapons

08. Hide in the fridge. I'm pretty

sure the killer won't want a snack.

09 . Don't look through peep holes. You'll end up with only one eye.

10 . Remember, only retards go upstairs when a killer's attacking.

11 . Don't yell 'Hello' when you're alone. It's not like the killer's gonna be like ' 'Supbro, wanna watch some Batman?'

12 . If it's not behind you, it's above you. Fact.

13 . Don't be a smartass and try to anger the killer. You'll be the next target.

14 .If it's dead, leave it alone.

15 . Don't start making out with your new hot boyfriend/girlfriend in the car.

16 . Always listen to the creepy old guy who says there's danger ahead. He's right.

17 . It isn't your dog licking your hand. Your dog is dead.

18 . If you think the monster is dead, he's NOT

19 . Do not go search for something in the basement, especially if the power just went out.

20 . Make sure your gas tank is full.

21 . Get a boyfriend, he'll die first so you have more time to run.

22 . You're an idiot if you think stabbing the killer is a good idea.

23 . Learn to climb some trees, sweetie.

24 . Blood= Somebody has been or is about to be killed.

25 . Only a stupid person would use a lamp as a weapon

26 . If you get a phone call when babysitting the kids along the lines of 'Have you checked the children?' You just might wanna make a run for it. Forget the kids, let's care about ourselves.

27. Nightmares are never just nightmares.

28. Moving to Elm Street is a very bad idea, unless you like staying up all the time!!! Woo, rave!

29. Don't buy the cheap house in the middle of nowhere

30 . Run Bitch ! Run

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