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To Whom It May Concern,

I was not an only child but I was most definitely a lonely child.

We will eventually discuss the mess that is my family tree but right now I feel it's important for you to know a little more about me. Or at least the child that would later become me.

I was a quiet girl, spending most of my time indoors because I wasn't allowed outside.

Because of this I didn't develop normal social skills. I behaved different than all the other little kids. Saw things different. Wanted to explore the things others found boring.

I was the weird girl.

You all know that kid. The one everyone picks on, doesn't have many friends except those few girls that take pity on her and tolerate her presence.

But those aren't really friends. They view you as a burden and silently pray you'll take the hint and walk away.

Everyone thinks we don't notice, or that it doesn't hurt but it does.

Children can be so nice and caring and understanding in ways adults cannot even begin to comprehend. But they can also make your life a nightmare. Teasing you, isolating you, making up songs to laugh at your male anatomy related last name.

But you're just 6 years old. You don't understand why they don't like you. Why you have to sit by yourself at lunch. Why no one invites you to the slumber parties and the sleep overs. You just know that you don't belong.

So you read.

You read and you fall in love with reading.

You fall in love with the endless possibilities that can exist in the pages of a book. You imagine yourself as the main character- living these amazing and exciting lives. You love how they provide you with just enough information to where you can imagine the world trapped between the pages in your own special way without limiting the ideas that you have.

You love being able to forget all the troubles in your life. You love getting sucked in. Feeling the emotions of the character: every laugh, every cry, every turn of the page enthralling your mind.

And when you do put the book down. You smile. Because it all feels so real. It feels like you are the one finding their long lost mother. You are the one falling in love with your soul mate. You are the one taking on their next spy mission.

For those brief moments when you sit on your couch or your bed or at your desk, you lose yourself.

You escape.

And it is a wonderful wonderful thing.


This is what will get you through life.

At least, it's what got me through most of mine.


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