Do Re M[e]

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To Whom It May Concern,

My name is Maya.

If you saw me on the street you wouldn't blink twice. Or maybe you would. I don't know your type.

I am just your average overly tall, caramel colored, nearsighted, socially awkward, friendly, neighborhood teenager.

You know how most teenagers have those normal life experiences? Like a first date. Or having your friend sleep over at your house. Going to parties and doing stupid stuff with your friends all night long.

I never got to have that.

For reasons we will get into later because let's face it: we barely know each other. Gotta wine and dine me a little before you can get me to spill all my dirty little secrets.

Now here me out, I know that this is just a journal obviously, but I like to think that some day I might pass this little book on to my children.. or maybe my grandchildren..

I'll figure that out later but I want someone to remember me how I remember me. To know what I experienced and how it totally morphed my thought process and alienated me from those around me in the most wonderful and frightening of ways.

Now I'm no Nelson Mandela. I'm not gonna teach you to meditate and fight the powers that be or anything close to that. And no, not everything I tell you will be sad, I had some good times too and trust me I shall spill on those, but I, more than anyone, understand what it's like to go through major shit and feel alone in the world.

But now I have you. Well it's sort of after the fact but potato pahtatoe. The idea is still there.

So yeah, this is my story and whoever is reading this, I hope you enjoy.. or don't.. either way I'm gonna keep writing until it comes to an end.

That sounded dark.. I just mean when I think everything has been said that needs to or when I run out of pages. Though who knows, I have a lot to say so I might just keep buying more notebooks.

Maybe I should convert to something online.. save paper.. you know go green. Hopefully kill a few less trees. Those guys are just trynna live they life man. Then humans come along giving them the bird and chopping them down. It's sad really.

And now I'm rambling. Alright time to close this out before I scare you off.

Peace out girl scout!

..or boy scout.

..or scout person.. I dont discriminate.


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