lChapter 2 :

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As jack and I walk towards a gray three story house I see a shadow run pass the side of the house.

"Who the fuck are you and what are you doing here." Says a voice that seemed like the person was right next to me, but as I looked around I seen no one.

"Relax Oliver its just me I got to talk to you about something." jack says as he held up a bag of blood. As a person appears out of the shadows I could kind of see a face, but he was a tall man I'd say about 6'6 and I think he is wearing a black suit&tie. I heard a chuckle coming from him as he said

"well I was wondering when you were going to show up again, did you bring me something nice?" After he said that he came in to the light where I could see him clearly. He had the same exact eyes as me he also had light brown hair and he had the almost same hair cut as andy biersack

"don't be an ass oliver ." Jack said with a anger in his voice. "You have to take care of your little sister."

"What why me can't you find someone else I got things to do." Oliver said as he was walking towards us waving his hands around.

"well you the only other family member that is a vampire."

"so what that doesn't mean shit!" Oliver said while his eyes were turning red

"yes it does mean something if she goes on a rampage humans won't be able to stop her."

"and that's my problem." Oliver said with a stupid look on his face.

"God why the hell are you guys talking about me like I'm an animal." I said pulling them away from each other.

"Sorry Alex this ass doesn't know how to introduce other people to me."Oliver said while he was fixing his jacket.

"wait how do you know my name?" I said with a puzzled look on my face.

"Jack never said my name to you." I said

"come on Alex your my sister I'm supposed to know your name." Oliver says with a smug smile. That was fucking creepy.

"So are we just going to stand here all night or are we going to go inside?" Asked Oliver as he walked into a big gray three story house. The walls seemed to have pictures of previous owners I think.

"Oh so I see you can't even recognize your own father." Oliver said

"Shut up oliver see never see her father." Said Jack

"Guys don't get into another argument."I said " oh and oliver I do recognize him I always see him in my dreams okay so don't give me that shit." I said with a little bit of sass

"She gets that from you" Jack whispers to Oliver

"I know isn't it adorable." Oliver says with a smile

" I can still hear you guys " I said . they pause for a moment then quickly go down the hall. I did not follow instead I when for a walk outside but before I did that I took a little bit of money for Jack's wallet. As I walked out the door I felt that someone was watching me but I ignore it. So I walk to the nearest place that sold those blood bags . it wasn't that far I was quit amazed. So this was going to be my first taste of blood this could be to bad. As I took the first drink I fell in love with it.

" so are you a new blood ?" asked a random guy. I chocked because he sacred me shitless.

" what?" I said as I was coughing " who are you?"

" I'm Cole so are you a new blood?" He asked again

"What the hell is a new blood?" I asked

"Like did you just get bitten?" He asked

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2015 ⏰

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