My Hot Mechanic

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Keisha POV

I was too busy drawing away to listen to the morning announcements. All I knew was our school was making a big deal out of our first game on Friday. Something about a pep rally at lunch, all the cheerleader and football players are going to be there. Blah Blah Blah. I hated cheerleading, they were so damn preppy and happy. I hate football players because they thought they were better, always getting a pass on everything. Thinking every girl wanted them. Not!

Who pissed me off the most was the Quarterback Andre. He was a pain in the ass. He swore girls worshipped the ground he walked on. I didn't and I let it be known a bunch of times. Him and his crew were enemy #1 always trying to talk mess but they stopped doing that to me a while ago when I hit his best friend where the sun don't shine

*Flashback last year*

"Keisha" Eric was sitting behind me playing with my hair 

"If you don't get your filthy hands off my hair im cutting your fingers off!" I hissed at him. Only 5 more minutes and I was free of this place. The bell rang and I got up to leave when a hand hit my ass.

I turned around and glared at him while he was laughing so hard he wasn't paying attention to me. I grabbed his junk and twisted it. His eyes began to water and he fell to the floor holding on to it.

"That..was un..called...for..Keisha. Damit!" He was on the verge of crying 

"Then you and your stupid team better keep your hand off of me and you might be able to reproduce. Kapish!"  

"Yeah just don't freaking do that anymore. Freak man is anyone going to help me up!" this time it was my turn to laugh and I walked away leaving him with his pain


Since then, all of them kept their distance from me but they still messed with me but they did that to everyone. I was last on their list now, girls were getting cutter and sluttier by the minute they were enjoying them and forgot about me completely just the way I wanted it. Beside I was too busy with better things. I loved fixing cars and our school had the best mechanics and engineering program for any high school.

On a average day I wore oil stained jeans and t-shirts with my hair a complete mess. My fingers were usually stained black from messing with all typed of car parts. I wasn't your typical 18year old. And that was how I like it.


Andre POV

I was tired and ready to go home, football practice was getting brutal since our first game was this Friday. I was also tired from the prep rally, cheerleader and all the hot girls were all over us. I had to do what a guy needs to do, I took some girl in the bathroom and had my fun. I was drained and ready to fall asleep.

But of course my car would decide to not to start on me when everyone was gone and it was already 5pm. It was only 3 cars in the parking lot. I could ask my couch for a ride but that would mean another round of game plays and pep talks I didn't want right now. I could walk but that would take forever. Who was driving the third car?

Thirty minutes later, I saw a girl walking out she was wearing tore jeans and a black t-shirt with a really sloppy ponytail. What girl dresses like that? Well it didn't matter too much I needed a ride home.

I got out and jogged up to her, she stopped when she saw me coming

"Hey!" I gave my best smile  

"Yeah?" She wasn't no way cute. Her clothes were dirty, and covering her up. She would look cute if she put some make up on and did her hair.  

"My car wont start up I was wondering could I get a ride?" She raised an eyebrow at me. We stayed quite for a while "Soo?"  

"What's wrong with your car?" We walked to a fix up black convertible Camero, I wasn't a car person but this was nice. Crown rims, it was nice. I never knew a chick to drive a car like this. 

"It wont start" I just told her that. She unlocked her trunk and pulled out some cables. 

"where's your car?" I pointed over to my red pickup 

"You just need a jump" She got in and drove to my car leaving me. I ran over to my car. Why couldn't she drove me over there too?

I opened my hood, before I could do it she was already connecting the cables and was back in her seat with her engine running.

"Start it!" I was dumbfounded and ran to the seat and started it. Instantly it started up. I tried to undo the cables but I didn't know how to take them off. She chuckled and slapped my hand away. 

"Um thank you. What's your name anyways?" She rolled her eyes.  


"Im Andre" I held my hand out to her. She raised hers to show me how dirty hers were. I pulled mine back quick. She laughed again 

"See you" She sped out the parking lot.

Her name sounded really familiar to me. But that didn't matter what matter was she didn't look any bit excited and or interested in me. I'm freaking Quarterback all girl love me. Who the hell is this chick?

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