Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Color Change

"What. Was. That." Gaven panted. "That. Was the principle." Hallie replied then coughed loudly, blood trickling from her neck down onto her dark blue shirt. "Your bleeding..." Gaven whispered, sadness in his eyes.

He touched her neck and Hallie flinched. Gaven grabbed his bag and thoroughly searched his bag. "What are you doing?" Hallie wheezed. "I always keep a first aid kit in my bag but for some reason it's not in here." He said frustrated then he groaned.

"Now I remember. I left it in my locker." he slammed his fists on the ground. He looked at Hallie's eyes with a look of confusion. "Aren't your eyes blue?" He asked. "Yeah that's the color they've always been." Hallie replied annoyed he can't see the obvious.

"Well they aren't now! Look they're red!" Gaven replied grabbing a mirror from his bag. Hallie took the mirror and "Well your eyes aren't brown anymore either! They're white! literally no color!" Hallie said then Gaven grabbed the mirror and gasped.

"Whats happening?!" Gaven yelled and Hallie put her hand on his mouth. "Don't. Move.A muscle." Hallie whispered.

Just then a giant green hand scooped her up and squeezed her. she screamed in pain more blood oozing from her neck.

"Bye bye birdy." The creature hissed. Eyes rolled back into her head, Hallie blacked out. "No" Gaven whispered.

And the creature slithered away with Hallie. He kicked his bag and hit something hard. he looked in his bag and saw that all his stuff was missing and two necklaces were in it's place.

He tried to touch the red one with fire patterns on but it sent a small shock up his arm. He took his hand away quickly and slowly placed his hand on the white one with snow flakes on it.

The necklace started to glow light blue and floated into the air. Still levitating in the air the glow started to multiply brighter and brighter until it was as bright as the sun.

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