Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

I am enveloped in a world of glass. Sharp and precise. Hazily I can see that I am in a small hallway. Walk towards the end. I stumble and fall towards the door that the hallway leads to. It is shiny clean glass but I can't see through it. Somehow I must get to the door. Sunlight shines through the glass building turning everything a blinding white. I fall against the wall. I want to grip onto it but the wall is glossy and smooth, lacking any bumps or indents. I fall to the floor.

The luminous world is gone.

I am now in the same hallway but it is dark. Everything is concrete and I have to crouch when I stand up, because the ceiling is so low. I begin to sprint towards the door but the walls are closing in on me. Voices start to surround me but I can't hear what they are saying. I run faster. When I reach the door I turn the knob but it doesn't open. The voices have become one now, they are frantically shouting.

"Get the key! You need the key! Get the key!" I turn and my back is against the cold door. The ice spreads while I sink to the ground. My whole body is shivering and shuddering involuntarily.

"Get the key!" It shrieks.

I force the words out. "I-I don't have... a... key... I slump backwards against the door, my eyelids fluttering.


I awake to light. Squinting, I open my eyes and survey my surroundings. I am in a perfectly square room, lying on a soft twin bed. Opposite from me is another bed. The blanket on it is a quilt made of fabrics that all are different shades of pink. The walls, I notice, are concrete but obviously my fellow bunk mate tried to cheer it up. There is white lace lining the top, and strings hang from hooks in the wall, with shiny eye-catching beads on them. The light is protruding from a huge window above my bed. Stretching, I sit up.

The door to my left creaks open and I whip my head towards the sound. A girl enters, but she's turned around, talking to someone outside.

"I know! What would it be like to be her? I mean, I would not be able to deal with the pressure," her voice is light and bubbly-full of energy and enthusiasm. Basically the opposite of what I'm feeling. "Anyway, I'll see ya later alligator!" Turning she skips over to her bed-but freezes halfway there. The girl pivots and faces me.

"Hi." I say, attempting to break the silence that has settled around us.

"Oh!" She snaps out of her stupor. "Sorry! My name's Poppy, and I guess you're my new roommate..."

"Uh, well my name is-"

"Kiora! Sorry, I know. It's just that you're what everyone's talking about. Nothing exciting ever happens here and it's not like we're allowed to leave the compound. The "kids" can't at least." She rolled her eyes. "By the way," she said lowering her voice, "rumor has it that they're gonna give you the full briefing. 100% of it. Even I don't know all of it and I've lived here my entire life!" Poppy exclaimed.

"Your family lives here with you?" I ask.

"Of course! Everyone who lives here, well, their family lives here too."

I was about to go on a question rampage when somebody knocked twice on the door and then smoothly walked into our room. It was Vivienne.

"Kiora?" She said my name like I was glass, and she was scared of breaking me.


"Please come with me, we'll explain everything." I follow her down the cement hallway trying to memorize where we are. Left, Right, Left, Left, Right, take the first passage at the fork... "Here we are. Give me one second while I go get... some things... reqady. Don't move." I scoff, if I moved I would disappear into an endless maze. Vivienne walks swiftly away and I sit down against the wall. That's when I hear the voices. I think it's Marcus and Henry talking judging from the rough angry sounding voice, and the cool, collected one.

"Look! She's barely been here a day, and she still has no idea what this is even about!"

"We didn't tell her for a reason, and now she's about to know everything."

"Exactly! Why does she get the full briefing when Adam's been here, training for this his entire life! She's obviously not ready for it."

"You haven't even given her a chance, besides, it's what her father wanted."

"Well, he's dead now so why do you even bother?" I hear a grunt and something that sounded like a punch.

"How dare you! He saved all our lives and this is how you repay him? If it were up to me I would send you out and over The Edge."

"Adam is ready to become the leader. Kiora is not!" By now their voices have been raised to shouting. I hear a click clack of shoes coming towards me, looking up I see Vivienne and judging by her face she knows I heard everything. She steps up to the doorway and clears her throat.

"We have a guest," she says calmly, gesturing to me. Timidly, I stand up and follow Vivienne into the perfectly square room. Henry and Marcus are standing by the wall, Marcus clutching his stomach and Henry facing toward a screen that looks like a big version of the ones we had in the rec center, except there all it did was show you your heart rate and speed. Vivienne gestures for me to take a seat in the single chair in the back of the room. When I sit, all of them turn and face me.

"This video is shown to everyone who passes the test and becomes and member of the RFF. We elected to show it to you early, to help you understand." I nod and they all leave the room. I look back up at the screen as the room around me darkens.

After seeing the video I understand there cause, I get why they to do what they're doing. But I don't know if its for me. So I decide to take a walk around the compound. Surely a walk would help me make up my mind.

I walk among the trees breathing in the fresh air. I hear a rustling to my right I turn around, its Adam. His smug smile was no where to be seen, he only had his hands in his pocket. Like he had something to say to me, but no way to say it.


Author's Note:

I have not looked at this in months, updates will still be very slow going. Until then kisses.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2015 ⏰

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