Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

After being confused by the first lady who came in, I re-awoke to a man sitting lazily in a chair facing me.

"I'm sorry Kiora, Stella can be a real pain." .It seemed like he knew her well and that they loved to insult each other with a fiery passion. He also seemed annoyingly cocky, and I was intrigued to find out what his name might be. As if reading my mind, he sat up a little straighter, and announced

"I'm Damion."

"Um...Nice to meet you?" I replied suspiciously.

"Nice to finally meet you too." He slumped back into his chair.

" Why... why are you here? And who is Stella?"

"Well Stella is my co-worker of mine, from the current generation of RFF-"

"What's the RFF?"

"Republic For Freedom." He replied as if bored. " Anyway, you met Stella when she came up here earlier to break the news. Did you remember anything that she talked about from before you passed out?"

"Sort of, um I'm part of the RFF, I'm going to be a leader," I thought hard straining my brain to recover what I had heard from the strange Stella lady. "That's all I remember."

"Ok well then I guess I have some explaining to do." He took a deep breath.

" Well first off you're right, you are part of the RFF, and secondly you will one day be the leader of it. As of right now though you will get to pick two mentors from the current RFF, to train you and help you understand your purpose better. Also from now on you will not attend school or any classes other than ours.You will no longer live with you mother. You will live with us.You will train with us everyday. It's what your father wanted."

"My, my father? Is... that true?"

"Well yes. We thought Henry had told you."

"Well he did. Kind of..."

"Speaking of the devil."

Damion looked down at his vibrating phone. He gave a heavy sigh and looked back up at me. "I'm sorry, I have to take this." Without waiting for an answer he got up, and exited the room. Suddenly his arrogant facade had faded and I saw frustration take over. He paced outside of the room, completely unaware I was still watching him through the spotless window. I saw him quickly hang up and he rushed back into the room.

"Get up. We need to leave. Now.


"Where are you taking me?"

"I'm sorry Kiora but there isn't time to explain, we need to go."

"I won't go until you tell me why." I halted in my tracks.

"Fine. The control center found out that we have you."

"I'm supposed to know what that means, how, exactly?"

"They were the ones who sent your father away."

That surprised me. "Oh." I didn't know why my father was really being sent away at the time. I didn't really connect the dots since I was very little when it happened. I guess that now was my "ah ha" moment.

I think Damion started to feel sorry for me but he didn't say anything. He just rushed me through the hospital, through the white clothed workers, doctors running about. When we got to ground floor, we came out of the doors running. I didn't know where we were going but followed Damion, shoulders heaving with effort. We took dark alleyways, many times we would stop and crouch, and Damion would look around the corner then signal to run. I had never run like this before. I ran at the exercise center but never with purpose. Never with frantic reason. I liked this running, even though we could be captured any minute. It was... refreshing.

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