DIARY # 20

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Oct 20, 2016

Dear me,

It's been 4 days since I haven't writing here .. I'm sorry diary, I'm just you know .. I'm out of it .. I mean, I know it's so unfair to you diary if I am just using you if I have unforgettable moments or happy/sad thoughts.

So maybe I should start writing about myself more rather than someone who's treating me like a stupid idiot foolish human being.

I'm not angry diary, I'm not angry at you of course! You are the only thing that is listening to me. Listening? haha how can I describe you diary?

Ah yes!

I have something to tell you .. it's about that guy . This will be the last story about him okay? I promise.


Aren't you curious about his name?


That's his name, and my friend's name is Coleen.

Why am I telling you this? Well .. Don't be so shock diary okay?

They're dating.

So yeah. My friend, no. . my bestest friend ever choose him than me. She said she knew me for so many years and maybe she should know more Dylan now. So yeah.

I am so devastated.

Remember when Dylan didn't show up? Because Coleen knew our plan and then she called Dylan if they can meet at 5am.

At 5am?? Seriously Coleen?

So she's more desperate than I am so yeah .. I let her be.

Urgh!! I wanna punch something.. or someone better.

Last night I was thinking if I'm going to write or not. . but I don't have the urge or energy to write, they are just a waste of time.. but since you are my bestest thing/friend maybe you have the right to know what's happening in my life, diary.

So yeah, I'm in the state of moving on though I don't have the right but you know, I fell so so deep and I am so broke now. Both money and heart! Kidding.

I am planning to have my winter vacation out of town, and don't worry I will bring you diary so that I will update you and be the witness on my ups and downs ..

I will sleep now.

Don't worry diary, tomorrow a new Rische will rise again.


••••• xoxo

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