chapter one

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c h a p t e r  o n e
when the lights go out

c h a p t e r  o n ewhen the lights go out

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        THE WIND whistled through the air threateningly, and the sound of thunder could be heard overhead. A storm was brewing in Shady River that evening, and if its residents could see the future then maybe they could've stopped the metaphorical storm that came after the literal storm that September day.

Calamity Taylor, a beautiful girl with strawberry blonde hair, was exiting the girls' locker room after changing into her cheerleading uniform on that fateful Friday evening. Her friends flocked behind her like a row of ducklings following their mother. She technically was their mother considering that she was their cheer captain. It was close enough.

"Who's riding with who this time?" Calamity asked the girls, lifting the keys to her Mustang in the air to get their attention.

Bentley Forrest, Calamity's best friend, was the first one to take action by stepping up next to their cheer captain. "I'm riding with Tay," she proclaimed, calling Calamity by her nickname.

"You always get to ride in the Mustang, Bentley!" Cara, the youngest girl of the bunch, protested. She was fourteen going on fifteen and was very immature at times. On the other hand, she was a really good flyer, which was why she was on the team in the first place.

Calamity rolled her eyes. "Just chill out, there's two seats in the back."

"I'll ride too!" Emily, the second youngest exclaimed in excitement.

"Great," Bentley commented sarcastically as she opened the door to the passenger's side of Calamity's sleek, black Mustang.

Calamity's car was very special to her. The 2012 Ford Mustang was a gift from her father after business started booming for his trucking company. Before the Mustang, Calamity was driving an old Jeep. Don't get her wrong, she did love the Jeep, but when it started breaking down a lot, the love became strained.

After getting the younger girls into the backseat, Calamity got in the driver's seat and cranked up the car. She made sure the rest of the girls were ready to leave before pulling out of the parking lot, leading the small line of cars to Hearst Field, Shady River High School's football field.

As soon as they pulled into the parking lot near where the football players parked, Chase Parker—the quarterback of the team—was making his way over to Calamity just as she was lifting the seat to let Cara and Emily out of the backseat.

"CP alert. CP alert!" Bentley exclaimed, elbowing her best friend directly in the ribs.

Calamity sent Bentley a glare, rubbing her ribs as she winced painfully. Bentley only stood at 5'2", but she seemed to cause more damage than she seemed capable of.

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