Rvb S6 E17 "Chapter 17"

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A.I Storage Room
To Church and Wash having a intense staring match, while Leo just awkwardly stands between them.

Chairman (Voiceover): Dear Director. It is now clear, that your agency and its primary program "Project Freelancer" have abused the trust and freedoms that the Oversight Sub-committee has provided you. Your abuse of the Alpha A.I. will now become the subject of a criminal investigation. I am sorry, Director, but you have seen the end of my patience.

Leo: (Mumbles) ...Definitely, makes more sense then being a clone.

Command Shelter
To Simmons typing at Terminal 84-C - Administrator Access Only.

Sarge: What're you finding out, Simmons?

Simmons: Looks like all the Blue records are here, I just don't have the access to delete them. I'm trying to work around that right now.

Grif: Ooh, try hacking the mainframe.

Simmons: This isn't a mainframe system.

Grif: How 'bout cracking it, would cracking it work?

Simmons: Grif shut up! Stop making suggestions when you have no idea what you're talking about.

Grif: Well, if you want help-

Simmons: I don't want help.

Grif: Maybe you should explain what's going on, and I could make an educated suggestion.

Simmons: Educated? Okay, fine. This computer is a dedicated interface with a highly developed security protocol. The information we are accessing is stored on a separate database with its own dedicated hardware. That system has its own distinct layer of security. From what I can tell, the two systems verify their identities by trading randomly generated two thousand fifty-six bit encryption keys. I'm tryin' to spoof one of those keys right now. So, Grif. I'm all ears. Any suggestions?

Grif: Oh yeah, I've seen that before. You should try uploading a virus to the mainframe.

Simmons: Jesus.

Grif: I find viruses that feature a laughing skull tend to work the best.

Simmons: Shut the fuck up and let me work!

A.I Storage Room
Back to Church and Wash epic staring contest, with Leo watching.

Church: You're a fucking idiot.

Wash: That's not the reaction I expected.

Church: You think I'm a computer program?

Leo: It definitely does explain a lot.

Church: Oh! Come on Leo, do you really believe the bullshit he's saying!?

Leo: (Annoyed) Why is that hard to believe?

Church: Uh, how 'bout 'cause I'm a person! That I have been my whole life? That I have memories from when I was a kid? And I don't remember being a calculator, dude.

Wash: A.I. are programs based on an actual human mind. You're bound to have some residual memories. They're just not yours.

Church: Oh, you're so full o' shit. If I was really a fucking computer, then explain to me 'Agent Washington' how the hell do I have a kid!

Wash: He's not your son!

Church: He's got MY last name! His MUM is Tex! What more evidence of him being my son is their!

Red vs Blue Season 6: Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now