Chapter 6

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〰 Author's Point of View 〰

Hey Y'all 😁 Sorry I haven't been updating... School... Smh😂 But anyway Let's get back to the story😉

⚡A Few Weeks Later⚡

🏀Author's Point of View🏀

Yn and Trey have been pretty good these last few weeks. Khadijah's Klan have been trying to get them to break apart. (see what I did there? Khadijah's Klan? You'll get it...😕 Maybe)

Anyway, the gang was at school and something happened... I'mma let Trey tell you cuz he was the victim.

👅💦 Trey's Point of View 💦👅

I was walking down the hallway with Ar'mon, Yn, and Kennedy when someone called my name. I looked to my left and saw Khadijah leaning against her locker with a smirk on her face.

"I'll catch y'all later," I said to them. I walked over to Khadijah, who had that same smirk on her face. (Note: white people mistake... No offense)

"The fuck you want?" I asked her as I approached her.

"You, baby."

"Bitch, Bye." I flagged her away.
She kissed her teeth and gasped at me.

"You know you shouldn't act like that towards your future wife, baby."

"Ma'am, whoever said that you were my future wife... Tuh. Was they wrong or what? Dusty booty having ass hoe lookin ass..." I mumbled the last part. Then she pushed me up against the lockers and held my arms above my head. I couldn't help but let her, cuz I love a woman that takes control and knows what she's doing. Not throwing any shade to any of my exes... Well maybe one of them.

Anyway, she began to rub all over me, and I closed my eyes and bit my lip as she slowly made her way down to my manhood. She grabbed it and began to massage it. Damn, I was getting hard. I moved her hand and lightly chuckled awkwardly.

"Ummm... I-I gotta g-g-get to classss..."

I tried to speed off, but she swung me back by my arm and kissed me. With tongue. I couldn't help but to kiss back. She had me in a trance for a good five minutes.

After she finished, she blew a kiss at me and smirked. I smiled nervously and looked to my left.

Yn was standing right there.

How much did she see? How long was she standing there? Is she going to run away from me? Will she forgive me?

So many questions ran through my mind as I saw her eyes swell up with tears. She ran up to Khadijah and punched the shit out of her nose, leaving her bleeding in the middle of the hallway. She then looked at me for a split second. I stared at her as she turned the other direction and ran out of the corridor. I tried chasing after her, but when I got outside, she was pulling off. I sighed and slowly walked back into the school.

😭Yn Point Of View 😭

Me and Kennedy were walking out of class together. We were talking and laughing when Ar'mon came up to us.

"Wassup y'all!" He said enthusiastically.

I giggled at him. "Nothing. What's up?"

"Can I steal her real quick?" He asked me. I shook my head and said, "Do as you wish. I'll catch up with y'all later." He nodded and they walked off together, basically skipping down the hallway. I shook my head and laughed at their goofiness. Then I decided to meet Trey by our lockers.

When I turned the corner, I saw Trey and sucking Khadijah's lips off her face. Tears welled up in my eyes as Trey broke the kiss. After he did, she blew a kiss at him and smirked, knowing I was standing right there. He smiled nervously and looked in my direction. His eyes suddenly filled with sorrow as they fell on me. I slowly walked up to Khadijah and punched the fucking shit out of her nose and she fell to the floor, out cold. Then I looked ad Trey for a split second, shook my head and ran out into the student parking lot. I heard him chasing after me, but when he got outside I was already pulling off. I looked in my rear view mirror and saw him slowly walk back into the school.

Hours Later...
😩Still Yn Point Of View 😩

School's over, and I am sitting in my room, a crying mess.

I invited Kennedy over so that we can talk about the situation between Trey and Khadijah.

I heard my mom open the door, and I heard muffled talking. That's when Kennedy came up to my room.

"Hey, you wanted to talk? I brought some munchkins and hot chocolate!"
She said cheerfully as she shook the bag and held up the cup holder.

"Thanks, babes." I smiled. I took the cups from her so that she could sit down.

"So, what did you wanna talk to me about?"

"Well, when you and Ar'mon walked off, I went to meet up with Trey by our lockers but when I saw him he was exchanging spit with Khadijah."

"No way! I'm so sorry hon." She rubbed my back.

"Then he looked at me as if it was an accident. I went up to Khadijah and punched her in the fucking nose. He tried to apologize but I ran away from him."
I watched as a tear fell in my hand.

Kennedy came closer and hugged me tightly.

"I promise, I will be by your side, no matter what goes on better you and Trey. Things will Get better. I promise you." Just then, my mom walked in my room.

"Hey honey, the food is done. Ready to eat?" She asked.

"Yes," I responded. I turned back to Kennedy. "Hey, you wanna stay the night?" I asked. Her Face brightened up. "Good idea! I'll ask my mom if she could bring some stuff over." She unlocked her phone and rolled her eyes, seeing an Instagram notification.

"What's it about?" I asked, my curiosity getting the best of me.

"Some dumbass gossip going around about Trey cheating on you." Kennedy said.

"Oh well."

"So what you wanna do until your mom gets here?"

"Wanna play at some music?"


I turned my TV on and went to YouTube.

"Hey Ken, wanna take it back?" I asked, smiling.

"Yeah, I guess," she said confused.

I turned on My Girl by Mindless Behavior, and Kennedy got up and started dancing. I laughed at her silliness. She started singing along with Prodigy:

"I got a clue how you feel for me,

143, a smiley with a wink

That's how you feel baby, that's wassup

A hundred forty characters is more than enough"

She started dancing along with them as I watched and laughed, shaking my head.

I stopped laughing when I got a call from Trey. I rolled my eyes and answered:

Me: what.

Trey: I'm sorry, okay?

Me: How many times are you gon' apologize and not really mean it?

Trey: She kissed me! She's wrong!

Me: You're wrong too!! For kissing her back! And you got hard!

Trey: I'm sorr– *gco*

Me:Shut the fuck up! You keep saying you're sorry!

Trey: Because I am!

Me: Khadijah. Khadijah, Trey. You fucking kissed Khadijah!  *Crying* And you think I'm not gonna be pissed off by that?

Trey: I know you're pissed off, but just listen to me!

Me: No, I don't want to fucking listen to you! I'm done listening!

I hung up, crying my eyes out. Kennedy wraps her arms around me.

"I'm sick of listening to bullshit." I say, crying still.

💤💤 Hours Later 💤💤

Eventually Kennedy's mom came over with some clothes and hygiene products for tomorrow after I cried myself to sleep.
Now I just gotta face all the drama that'll go on tomorrow.

😩 Trey 😩

To Be Continued..

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