Painful Beginnings...

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                                                                       Lucy Heartfilia

Lucy’s clothes were torn as she lay, shaking on the ground. She was scared and in pain, she didn’t have her keys, having dropped them on her bed when she was being captured. A man whose face was obscured in shadow beat her, kicking her repeatedly; and laughing as he did so. She struggled to stand as he turned to one of his friends. She was almost numb with pain, but forced herself to stand nonetheless. “You have no hope of destroying Fairy Tail, even by capturing me, you won’t lure them out” she said shakily, flinching when the man turned and gave a brutal kick to her legs, swiping them out from under her. “I have the beloved Lucy Heartfilia lying before me, I doubt nobody will come. In fact I bet that they will all come running to your aid”. His cruel voice echoed slightly as he threw her against a wall, causing her to cry out.

He spat on her face as she shook, biting her lip to stop from crying out. She bit so hard that blood welled up from a newly formed cut, staining her lips a bright red as salty tears ran silently down her cheeks. “Y-you… you’re…wrong” She said softly, barely summoning up enough energy to speak. The man darted forwards and gripped her by her hair, yanking on the handful he had obtained. “For your sake… I hope not” he said sharply, throwing her down on the ground and watching as she coughed up blood. When the man finally tired of her, Lucy sat huddled in a corner. She found it hard to breath, but a part of her knew that she wasn’t dying. As the edges of her vision blurred and she fell forwards, onto the cold ground; only one word was uttered from her split lips, only one name was spoken as she lost consciousness. “L… Leo…”

“Time for you to wake up, Princess…” Lucy stirred at the emotionless voice, struggling to open her eyes. “There has been a change of plans… I want you to tell me where the wizard, Loki is” The voice said decisively, leaving no room for arguments as Lucy shook her head.  Something solid slammed into her gut as she was thrown against a wall. She spat out a bit of blood as she lay on her hands and knees, her bruised hands curled into fists. “N-never!” Her voice echoed slightly in the silence that ensued after her determined declaration. “Oh trust me Princess… you’ll talk soon enough” This guy was acting like a real Asshole. A stereotypical bad guy by far. His laugh was filled with a madness that you could not just fake, as well as the mirthless smile that was constantly curving his lips.

A sharp pain resounded through her small frame, causing her to shake uncontrollably. “You figured out what my power is yet, Princess?” The cruel voice taunted, speaking only when she had finally stilled. Lucy struggled against the pain, sobs racking through her body as she shivered, silent tears falling down her cheeks as she lay in a ball on the cold floor. "What? no fight left in you? What a shame... Are you going to tell us yet? We've all the time in the world..." He whispered into her ear, putting his filthy hand on her shoulder, causing another burst of pain to ensue. Her teeth clenched with resolve as she struggled to her hands and knees. "I'll never tell you where he is" Lucy declared weakly, her tear streaked face full of determination. "Have it your way, Princess" The shadow faded back as yet more pain entered her body. Her cries of pain fell upon deaf ears, for noone came to her aid.

Three more days of this same pattern ensued, it would drive most people insane, or at least drive them with determination, but neither of these things gifted Lucy with their presence. Once again she lifted her bruised body, once again she refused to give away Loki's whereabouts. She knew exactly where he was, but she didn't dare speak it. Her heavy and swollen eyelids shut as she collapsed from hunger, exhaustion and pain. She dreamed of Loki, the day he had become her spirit, her guardian angel. She dreamt of the first day they had met, how he fought with Gray and Natsu yet they still remained close friends. And about how though he was Loki, he was also the Celestial Spirit Leo. When she regained consciousness some time later, she no longer faced a faceless shadow. Lucy's bleeding lips curved into a smile as she looked up into the golden eyes that belonged to Loki.

"Lucy... I'm so sorry" His eyes shone slightly as he picked up her broken body and carried her out with ease. The sight that met her eyes shocked her. All of her friends were fighting for her, as was the whole guild of FairyTail. Tears came to her eyes, this time of joy not pain. "Guys..." she buried her head into Leo's chest as he carried her, walking through a path cleared by her friends. "Don't disappear on us again..." Leo whispered into her ear, as he carried her away to safety. "I promise" she whispered back, before she fainted in his arms.

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