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K: And you have a girlfriend!!!
JO: Maybe I don't..
K: What that means..? 🎬Confused🎬
JO: What do you think it means?..
K: Umm..
JO' When you went out of the room I called Nadia and told her I'm breaking up with her an-
K: But wh-
JO: Because I like you..
K: ...
JO: A lot!


Kenzie's P.O.V

What? He likes me???!! I like him since last year. When I heard he had a girlfriend I was so sad and now he told me he likes me and he broke up with Nadia because of me..

K: ... You..you're kidding me..,right?
JO: ...😍Looks at her😍
K: Right?..

Johnny's P.O.V

I really like her. I was with Nadia because....... I don't know. Why was I with her..?!.... No matter. Now I like Kenzie more than anything and that's only important! She's the most beautiful and wonderful girl I've ever seen.. Or met. And-

K: Johnny.. Johnny!!
JO: ...
K: Johnny!!! Earth to Johnny! Johnny are you here?..
JO: Wh......what?????😍Confused😍
K: Are you okay..?
JO: Yeah.. I mean I'm with you..
K: Thanks 😍blushes😍
JO: Can I ask you something?..
K: Yea..

😍10:06 AM😍

Annie's P.O.V

I woke up cuddling with Carson. I saw him still sleeping so I went to sleep again.
I fell asleep.


Carson's P.O.V

I woke up cuddling with Annie. I smiled and saw her still asleep. I didn't want to wake her up because we don't have school today so I slowly get out of bed and went downstairs.

Jayden's P.O.V

I woke up and saw Connor still asleep. I went downstairs in my pajamas to take something to eat and maybe watch TV.

J: Oh! Good morning Cars! 😍Smiles😍
C: Good morning JayB! How are you this morning. Did you sleep well 😍smiles back😍
J: Yeah.. I did! But my back hurts a little..
C: Wait! I'll help you. 😍Gives her a massage😍

😍After 2 minutes😍

J: That's better! Thanks Cars!.....
C: Did you just blush? 😍Gets closer to her😍
J: Noo.. 😍Lying😍

😍They looked at each other eyes and started at each other😍

C: 😍lends in and kiss her😍
J: 😍kissed back and pulled away😍Oh my gosh.. What did we do..?
C: .... I.. I..
J: You what..?
C: I mean we didn't do anything wrong..
J: You kissed me!!!!!!!
C: You kissed me back!!
J: Because you kissed me first!!!

Kenzie's P.O.V

I heard someone yelling so I went downstairs and saw Carson and Jayden.

C: But what's big de- 😍sees Kenzie😍
J: Heyy...
K: Hey...? What's happening here..?
J&C: Nothing!!
K: Okay...? You guys are so weird..
C: Umm.. No we're not..
K: Did something happened between you tw-
J: Carson kissed me!!!
K: What????
C: Shhhhhh! Someone will hear you..
K: You kissed her?..
C: She kissed me back!
J: But he kissed me first!
C: But what's big de-
JO: Hey guys.. I heard you yelling so I went here to see what is it about..
J&C&K: Nothing!!
JO: ... Why are you guys so weird?
K: B... Beca... Because I.. Umm.. I told them.. That we are... Umm.. Together and they were shocked..
JO: But all that yelling because of that..?
C: Yea.. You are too cute!
J: Duuuh..
JO: Thanks.. 😍Smiles😍

😍Annie comes downstairs😍

A: Hi guys..
J&C&K&JO: Heyyy...
A: ... Okay.... Something happened..

😍They were standing there in silence😍

A: Why are you looking everywhere except me..
J&C&K&JO: ...
A: Okay... What happened here..?
J: Carson and...umm..I..

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(words: 642)

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