That Husband,Astounding

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It was a humid summer evening in the hellington manor.

It was silent and rather warm.

Something that kept Seline up all night.

But she didn't want to bring him in here – not when she looked like this.

Dressed in her night gown and her seal exposed for him to see.

She still had so many scars from those days.

When she was kidnapped by a hooded man and used as a pawn for some sort of –

demonic summoning.

She was scared so close to death,

that she could taste it's sulfuric breath,

It's abyssal eyes holding her into its gaze.

And it's touch caressing her in a gentle endeavor.

Her body was stripped from her clothing and bounded together by the thick heavy chains.

The cursed memories acted as a dream.

It kept her awake at night.

Holding her blanket over her gown, Seline heard a gentle knock on her door.

"My lady." It was Sebastian,

He had opened the door and came inside.

One hand holding a tray.

His expression was unreadable, but when he met her exhausted green eyes. He furrowed his brows.

"These dreams….They haunt me tirelessly."

She held her head and looked out the window. Sebastian sighed and sat down the tray.

"you must rest ,Misstress." His voice was soft and dreamy. She shook her head and reached for her pillow.

"If it makes you feel any better, I have prepared some Chamomile tea." He offered her a porcelain white cup that was decorated with a small line of red rose petals. Seline had took her sip and opened her eyes, staring into Sebastian's deep red eyes.

She had tasted honey. It was something her mother would do in order to help her rest.

Her mum… burned away within the Hellington fire.

At least- that was what she had heard.

"Please rest, Seline." The butler pleaded, his tone held no sign of desperation

…it didn't even sound like he was a submissive butler-

More like her husband.

He was playing the other role she had assigned him with.

He looked truly perfect.

After finishing her tea, Sebastian helped settle Seline into bed. His hands lightly pulling her hair away from her face until – he saw her mark.

The same mark that links them together.

The same mark that was also on his hand.

That mark.

A mark that gave her control of him – He was to do what she says.

Follow every order she made.

"It hurts sometimes." She whispered, her eyes covered as she laid there.

" It means that you're alive."

He watched her frown.

"I wonder what it would feel like when you- "

One Hell of a HusbandWhere stories live. Discover now