Chapter Ten

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~Enjoyy :) ~

Kendall's POV

I can't wait to get home and see Austin. I just want to hug him and kiss him. I missed him so much over the week. And its finally time.

I got up at 8:00 so then we could be at the airport at 10:00, then our flight leaves at 10:30. Me and Lily said our goodbyes yesterday, it was sad knowing that I wouldn't see her for awhile.

I checked my phone to see that I had no texts.

"I'm so popular. " I breathed out sarcastically.

I walked up and went to the bathroom to wash my face and all that good stuff. I came back and picked out leggings, a PINK sweatshirt and black vans for my flight. I put my hair in a top knot and put on my glasses since my contacts were packed in my makeup bag.

"Kendall? Are you ready to leave yet?" I heard Adam yell.

"Yeah, I'm coming down now." I yelled back.

I came downstairs and saw that Mom and Adam were ready to walk out of the door. I walked over to Grandma, told her my goodbyes and hopped into the rental car.

I felt my phone buzz and It was Lily. She can't stay away from me.

From Lilypaddd- hey babes. im gonna miss you.

To Lilypaddd- me too babes. but hey aren't you coming down for my birthday lol

From Lilypaddd- oh yeah! thats only a week away lol im still gonna miss you though.

To Lilypaddd- me too lol i gotta board the plane now. text you later, k?

From Lilypaddd- you betcha lol

I locked my phone and walked over to Starbucks and got a Vanilla Bean Frap, then walked to Mom and Adam to board the plane.

"Ready?" Mom asked.

"Let's go home, please." I responded.

I plugged in my earbuds to my phone and clicked on my sleep playlist. I was tired and it was a long flight so I decided to take a nap. I took a quick Airplane picture and then closed my eyes.

Austin's POV

Finally, Kendall is coming home today. I was going to surprise her at the Airport with Alex so we were driving to there now. She didn't text me that she was boarding but she told me last night that She would be tired and would forget to text me. I was fine because I knew what time she would arrive. And you can never really get bored in an Airport.

We finally arrived so I parked the car and Alex and I walked into the Airport.

"What time is she supposed to land?" Alex asked.

"Umm, about 3:45? Somewhere around there." I told him.

"Gotcha. Then lets go get some Subway, bro!" He yelled.

We walked over to Subway and got some subs. I decided to get Kendall a cookie because I knew she would be hungry when she got off the plane.

Right when I sat down I heard two girls scream.

"Oh my gosh!! You're Austin Mahone!!"

I look over to see the girls that yelled my name. They looked about Alex and I's age. One was blonde and one was brunette.

"Yeah, I am actually." I laughed.

"I watch all your videos on YouTube and all of your Ustreams!" The blonde one said.

I was really nervous because none of my fans had done this before. I juat didn't know what to say. It was so weird.

"Awesome! Thanks" I nervously said.

"Can we get a picture with you?" The brunette asked.

I looked over at Alex and he just shrugged his shoulders.

"Umm, I guess? If you want to." I said.

The blonde handed her phone over to Alex telling him to take the picture and I sat up.

They positioned each other around me and I put my arms around them. Alex snapped a couple of pictures and handed the phone back.

"Oh hey! What's your guys' names?" I asked.

"My name is Erin and her name is Taylor." The brunette said.

"Cool, cool. Do you guys have Twitter or Instagram? I could follow you guys on both if you want." I said.

"Yeah that would be awesome!" Taylor smiled.

I pulled out my phone and clicked on Twitter.

"Here, just type in your username and click follow." I smiled.

I saw Erin type in her name and then she handed the phone to Taylor, she did the same thing.

"Thanks so much, Austin" Taylor winked at me.

"I'll see you later!" I waved goodbye as they walked away.

"Well, that was a little weird." Alex said.


I felt my phone buzz two times. I pulled out my phone and unlocked it

One was a text from Kendall and the other said that I was tagged in a picture on Instagram. Must be Taylor and Erin's picture.

I clicked on Kendall's text message.

From My Princess <3: Hey babe, I just landed!! :)

"Hey we gotta go to Kendall's gate! She just landed!" I told Alex.

"I know she just texted me too." Alex laughed.

We threw our trash away and practically ran to Kendall's gate.

We made it right when I saw Adam walk out the door. Just then I saw Kendall. I had a sign that had their last name on it like Shouffers do, and I held it up. Adam looked over and pointed at us. Then Kendall came running over. I dropped the sign just as she jumped into my arms.

"I missed you so much." I heard her say into my shoulder.

"I did too, babe." I said back.

"Aww, how cuuutee!" Kendall's mom, Angie said.

I also heard a snap of a camera and Kendall pulled away.

"Who was that?" Kendall asked.

"Oh sorry that was me." Alex laughed and showed us a picture of me picking up Kendall, just a second ago.

"I'll send it to you guys." Alex said.

Kendall looked over at me and kissed my cheek. I pulled out the Subway cookie I bought her and gave it to her.

"Aww Yeah! My favorite! Thanks love!" Kendall said excitedly.

"You're welcome!" I said as I kissed her head.

"Hey, lets go home now." Adam said.

"Sounds like a good deal!" Angie said.

We walked to my car and Alex, Adam and I loaded the car up with their suitcases. I hopped into the driver's seat and beside me was a sleeping Kendall.

"She looks so tired." Adam said.

"Hopefully she can stay awake when I tell her the news." Angie said.

"What news Angie?"Alex said.

"Well, I wanted to tell you guys all together so you wouldn't tell Kendall, but I guess I will." Angie responded.

"Just spit it out!" I joked.

Angie sighed. "Okay."

~Cliffhanger or nah? You'll just have to wait til Sunday!!

Twitter: @thatameezykid ~

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