Chapter Nine

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~ Hope you likee :) uploading a day earlier because im going somewhere for the whole day tomorrow and won't be able to upload :) ~

Austin's POV

I woke up to my phone going off, telling me I had a text. I checked the time and it was 12:47. Geez, me and Alex slept for a long time. I unlocked my phone to see who it was. It was Kendall so I put in my password to see what she said.

From My Princess <3: We need to talk...

What? Why do we need to talk? I started panicing real quick. What did I do wrong? I can't think of anything. I tried to calm myself down, it worked a little bit but not too much. Hopefully she is just kidding. I opened the messages back up so then I could text her back.

To My Princess <3: Okay? Call me whenever you have time.

"Alex, Wake up! Its basically 1:00." I yelled at Alex.

"What?" Alex said sleepily.

"Just get up." I walked into my bathroom so that I could take a shower and get ready for filming my new cover. But I can't stop thinking about what Kendall texted me. What did she mean?

I heard my phone go off when I was in the shower. Once I was done, I checked my phone.

From My Princess <3: Will do :) It's nothing bad, so don't freak out. Like I know you are doing now. Calm :) lolol

Thank god. I thought. And its kinds funny how she knew I was freaking. I texted her back that I had to go and her to get back to having fun. I got dressed and by the time I was done, Alex was ready to film me. I still needed to record me singing, but that takes forever because I never like how it turns out the first couple times. Hopefully this goes fast, so then I can talk to Kendall.

Kendall's POV

We were back home now from Bobs and shopping. Lily and I were so exhausted. So we both decided to put in a movie and get a bunch of snacks and just pig out. I needed to talk to Austin first before we started. So I told Lily and she understood. I dialed his number and I put it on speaker. I begged Lily to not say anything until I bring up that she's in the room. He picked up on the second ring.

"Heyy sweetheart!" He sounded so happy to talk to me.

"Heyyy whats up?" I asked him.

"Nothing. Just chilling with Alex. We might be going out to get something to eat. We haven't decided yet."

"Cool cool. So listen I need to talk to you." I told him.

"Yeah. I know. What about?"  He started to sound worried.

"Okay, well. Lily showed me something about that I was really happy about and that I'm really proud of. I was a little mad at first but I got over it really quickly."

"Okay? What is it?"

"I found your YouTube channel. Well I didn't find it Lily showed me."

"Oh. Phew. Cause I had no idea on how to tell you and Alex was bugging me about telling you because I guess its a big thing and whatever. But yeah! I have a YouTube channel thats a little famous!" Austin explained.

"A little famous? Austin, it has over a thousand subscribers. That's pretty big. Why didn't you want to tell me?"

"I don't know. I just couldn't find a way to tell you."

"Well, now I know and you don't have to stress over it. I'm really proud of you. You're an amazing singer. I have no idea why you kept it a secret."

"Thank you. And I don't know why either. I'm sorry babe. I'll make it up to you, I promise."

I looked over at Lily and she gave me two thumbs up and smiled.

"Oh yeah. Lilys' in the room. Anndd she is a pretty big fan."

"Hi Austin!!" Lily said.

"Hey Lily! And Kendall, you mean Mahomies. We have a name."

"Oh, excuse me, Mahomie. That's cool! I like that." I laughed.

"Who are you talking to?" I could hear Alex on the other line.


"Kendall! Hey how are you doing?" He asked.

"Just great. Say Hi to my best friend Lily. She's here too." I smiled.

"Oh Hi Lily! What's Up?" He said.

"Hi! And nothing just talking" Lily laughed.

"She figured out that I have a YouTube channel." Austin said.

"Yess! Finally!! That took forever! That's what I had to keep from you, Kendall! The secret is out!" Alex yelled.

Lily and I just started laughing.

We talked for about an hour more and Lily got to know Austin and Alex. And the same with Austin and Alex, they got to know Lily. We were all getting tired so I decided to end the call.

"Okay, well I don't know about you guys but I'm tired so We'll talk to you guys later."

"Ughh, Kendall. I don't want to hang up. And put your phone off of speaker. Bye Lily!!"

"Bye Austin! Bye Alex!" Lily yelled.

"See ya!" Alex said.

I put the phone off of speaker so then I could talk to Austin in private.

"Yes, Austin?" I asked.

"I love you so much and I can't wait until you come home so I can kiss you a million times."

"I love you too Austin. I miss you."

"I miss you too. Just two more day. Don't worry."

"I won't. I love you."

"I love you too."

I hung up and Lily put in the movie. We decided to watch The Notebook.

Then I got a text from Alex. What does he want?

From Alexx: Hey, what's Lily's number??

I showed Lily the text message and she started screaming.

"Tell him what it is nowwww!"  Lily yelled at me.

"I'm going..Calm." I texted him her number and in about 2 minutes Lily had a text from Alex.

I really missed Austin and I hope these few days fly by.

~ Vote please!! It helps me know that you guys like it!! Chapter 10 will be up on Wednesday! Twitter: @thatameezykid :) ~

Now That I Found You- Austin Mahone FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now