Chapter five

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Violet Pov:

Me and Calum started dating over a week after the other sex slaves came in the house and I been loving the sex even more with him because he isn't to ruff or to soft like the other guys. Lilly been trying to get my man while dating Ashton and yes they got together when he found out she got a nipple piercing.

"Hey baby," he said while giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Hey" I softly said with a small smile. "So I was thinking me and you should go on vacation before the boys leave." I looked at him confused because they told us no vacations. "But they told me and the other girls we can't go on vacation because we are a missing person." I said. Calum signed "Your not gonna like us if we tell you..," I looked at him confused "Calum I'm not gonna hate y'all" I smiled "Okay the gang and I went to each family of threaten each family members but your family was... giving us money to not kill them and not kill you to... and they were the ones who say you can use her a sex slave" He said frowning while seeing me in tears "T-they sold me to y-y'all to have sex t-to you" "Not really sold because we didn't brought you... they traded their life exchange to you to be "kidnapped"" He said while wiping my tears. I wanted to scream at my family but I'm to heart broken that they.. choose themselves instead their own daughter. I looked at Calum then I kissed him on his soft lips. "I don't hate you.. thank you"

Calum Pov:

When she told me that she didn't hate me that made me feel.. better. I looked at her then smirks "Let's have sex

Hope you like the chapter


~Tori Marie

320 words

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