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                                                        ********10 Years ago************

                                                        Unknown's point of view

I felt them getting closer. I heard the growls as if they were next to my ear. They are going to kill me if they catch me! I can't let that happen, they will most likely make it a long and horrid death. I shook in fright but didn't dare turn back. It was no shock, they were monsters in every retrospect. I was a foolish human believing that I could actually pull this off. I laughed in my head. I should have known better. I was in their lands of course they knew it better than I. This forest seemed to go on for miles. I was never gonna get away.

It wasn't working. The powder that Albert gave me wasn't working I thought with dismay. My heart contorted thinking about Albert. No! he saved me I just have to focus on at least fulfilling his wish. This was my only chance this pack got attacked and this was the time to escape. They were too busy fighting to know I escaped but somehow a few started chasing me.

The rain was unrelentless on my bruised and broken body. Each drop felt like a bullet running through my skin. My hair was matted to my face in blonde clumps that had not been brushed in years. The rag I wrapped around my anorexic body did nothing to prevent the chills that rocketed throughout my body.

My heart plummeted yet again as my bare foot slipped in the mud. I fell face first toward the chocolate sea below. I tasted the bitter taste of mud and wanted to throw up. I had mud all over me. Trying to get up proved more difficult thanks to the slippery slide underneath. I slipped again but this time landed on my back painfully that I lost my breath for a few second.

I kept squirming trying to get up just to fall again. Come on, you can do this! This is no time for my body to give up! I have been through way worse, this is nothing! Come on, I can do this! I chanted to myself. With one quick movement I pushed myself up, mud falling on the ground, and ran head first toward my safe haven.

I can almost taste my freedom. I am so close. Finally these last 12  years can be over and I can put all the pain behind me. I didn't even care that I stepped on broken twigs and rocks along the way, or the fact that my teeth kept chattering because of how cold I was. No all of that didn't matter because it would be worth it if I got away. That one thought brought a new round of energy and I ran faster than I ever ran before.

I saw blurred greens and yellows and brown. I wasn't even paying attention to anything. Not even to the fact that the growls behind my ceased and that the rain had stopped. There was only one thought on my mind, "FREEDOM!"

Maybe if I was paying attention I would have realized there was a cliff right in front of me. Maybe if my heart wasn't about to explode with anxiety and I was able to calm down I would have seen it.

It was too late. By the time I came to my senses I was already slipping trying coming to a sudden halt. I was falling and I screamed not being able to help myself as I felt my heart and stomach sink. Foolish because even after all of that crap I've been through to get this far, my own stupidity screws me over. I am such an idiot, I was so close to escaping to. I gripped onto my family locket and prayed they would be safe. I hoped to meet my long lost family and beg for answers. But now it was too late.

However there was that pesky thought at the back of my mind of the vulnerability of a little girl. Giving up all hope.

It was Fianlly it's over, I'm free!


Soooooooo what did u guys think?!?!? Is this story worth finishing? Any feedback with help whether good or bad... 😁😭😘 thanks for reading

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