Chapter 22

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Nicole's POV

"Ryan, the guy you're in love with, right?"

When I was 7, Bella had lied to me about her crush. She told me that she didn't have a crush on Liam (AKA the guy I had a crush on at the time). She promised she wouldn't ever like the same guy I had crush on.

But we were 7 then. And this didn't deal with crushes - this dealt with love. Love, in my book, has always been a big deal. And for Bella to lie about that? That doesn't make me feel so happy.

Nonetheless, she's in love with Ryan, my COUSIN!

My cousin? What the hell, Bella. Seriously! I would never, ever fall in love with her brother (if she had one) because I'd know it would annoy her. I mean Ryan is pretty much like a brother to me.

"Wait, what?"

"They don't know what they are talking about . . ." Bella made up an excuse.

"Bella, I swear to fuck, if you're lying to me, I'll never talk to you ever again." There was venom in my voice.

"Nicole, I'm so sorry!" She said, placing her hand on my arm. I flung her arm off of me and stood up, running for a different room. I ran into the bathroom and locked the door.

Bella began knocking on the door, begging me to let her in. "Please, Nicole, let me in! I'll explain everything!"

"No! I already heard what Charlie had to say and that's enough for me to never talk to you ever again!" I screamed.

"Please, Nicole . . ." She begged.

"Go away," I said. Silence. I guessed she walked off.


I heard voices coming from Ryan's old room, and I quietly walked past the room. It was Bella.

"Please, God, repair my friendship. Please let me forget about Ryan. Please help me let him go." Bella never prayed. And if she was in love with him, why was she trying to let him go? I had to talk to her about this.

"Bella," I spoke, my words like ice.

"Yes, Nicole?" She asked. She stood up from the bed and walked over to me. "Can we talk?"

"Yes. Yes, we can talk," I said, walking in her room.

I sat down on the bed with Bella and began talking. "So, tell me exactly what happened with Ryan."

"Frankly, Nicole, I don't even remember how it started. I think it was in his office, when he looked at me and decided to kiss me. From then, we'd both pretty much decided we were in love. I loved him the first time his lips were on mine. It's hard to describe, Nicole. Love is a precious thing. But, if it bothers you, then I'll stop. I'll stop completely. I've never even told him 'I love you,' so really, it won't even matter if I leave him. Maybe we never were in love. Maybe I was one of his whores." Bella looked depressed, so I pulled her into a bone - crushing hug. I knew she needed one.

"Bella, you were not one if his whores. I know him, and believe me, he would never think of you like that. Don't be so negative, okay?" I told her. I gave her comfort. Well, I tried to, at least.

"I am going to stop seeing him. For you, of course. You mean more to me than him. I'll stop, Nicole, I'll stop it all." She meant what she said. "In fact, let's just move away. It'd be easier for everyone."

I was shocked at her words. "Bella, if you really want to, then sure . . ."

"Lets move to Heritage Hills, in Washington. That's only a four hour drive, right? Let's go!" Bella said.

"Bella, I don't think this is a good idea. My parents would never allow it, I doubt your dad will, and what about Charlie and Daisy?"

"We can take them with us! Please, Nicole, please. I just really want to get out of here," she said. She was quite the good begger. She bit her lip and waited for my response.

"Alright, Bella. I'll do it. But I'll have to sneak past my parents." I didn't really trust this plan, but I did trust Bella.

"Can I see Ryan just once more before we go?" Bella questioned.



"But what about my grandma?" Daisy asked us after we had filled her in. "I have to take care of her. She is 85 years old!"

"We'll make sure people come to check on her," Bella said. She was very serious about this plan - I'd always known she had wanted to leave, but she was so urgent.

"And my family?" Charlie asked. Daisy put her hand on Charlie's and spoke softly; "Charlie, you don't have any family."

"Oh, right . . ." He mumbled.

"Well anyway, you guys had better start packing. We leave tomorrow morning." Bella looked over at me. "Nicole, are you driving?"

"I guess." I had no idea. I didn't want to drive, but if I had to, then I guess I would.

"Can we go see Ryan now? It's 8:30 P.M. and I want to get some good night sleep before we leave tomorrow."



I have a question guys.

Should I wait until Ryan is out of the coma, and then post the kinky chapter, or should I just be like 'fuck it' for one chapter and post it now?

Y'all can be the judges. I'm fine with it either way.

This update was short and boring, but some information was revealed.

Bella is leaving Ryan . . .


AND there is a HUGE surpirse coming up. Can't wait till you guys see it ;)

Love you all❤



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