Chapter 17

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Bella's POV

"RYAN!" I screamed, running up to him. He fell to the floor with his blood spilling everywhere. I grabbed the pocket knife from his pocket and stabbed it into Cameron's leg.

She screamed in pain. I panicked; my heart was racing with so much fear.

"Ryan!! Get up, please!" I screamed, the tears streaming down my face. I shook his shoulders again.

"No. . ." I said. I kissed his lips - hoping for some sort of miracle. But, who was I kidding, those only happened in fairy tales. And this was not a fairy tale. Hell, it was anything but it.

"Come back to me!" I pleaded. My eyes couldn't stop the tears. "I love you. . ."

Nothing. The only sounds were the dripping of the blood and Cameron's screaming. I jumped on her and grabbed her throat with my two very hands.

I strangled her until I saw her face turn purple. She got what she deserved.

"Ryan, please answer me!" I begged. My throat was in pain from screaming.

I ran up to the kitchen counter and grabbed my phone, dialing 911 into the keypad.

"911, what's your emergency?" The nice lady asked me.

"Um . . . This girl shot Ryan! You have to come here now . . . He can't be dead . . . I love him too much! Please come here as quick as possible!" I pleaded.

"Don't worry, we'll get help there shortly, remain calm!"

"Oh, thank you so much!" I said before hanging up.

I ran back over to Ryan and tried to search for any sign that he might still be alive. I had no idea how the human system worked, whether he was gone or not, but I ended up still having how that he was alive.

A couple minutes later the police came banging at my door.

I ran up and opened it. "Please tell me if he's alive!"

All the men and women in their uniforms ran directly for the two bodies on the floor.

"Whats this girl doing here?" One of them asked me.

"She was the crazy one who shot Ryan . . . So I had to kill her," I explained.

"Good news, ma'am, your friend here is still alive." The man was up against Ryan, listening to his heart rate.

I breathed out. Thank the Lord Ryan was still alive. I couldn't imagine life without him.

"Well, he'll be okay, right?" I asked with worry.

"If we can get him there quickly, then yes, but if not, then . . ." The man made a rather sad face. "He might be gone."

"Then what are you waiting for? GO!" I screamed. My throat felt like it was burning. So much screaming, and yelling, and . . .


"Please be okay, Ryan," I whispered.


My foot was tapping against the waiting room of the hosptial. I couldn't help but be nervous about what the doctors had to say.

The older, annoyed woman next to me looked at me like she wanted to call me a mental institution. Hell, I needed one.

Finally the skinny, male doctor came out and said, "Bella Thorne. Here for Ryan Miller." He flipped his paper back into place.

"That's me!" I yelled before standing up and walking down the hall with the doctor. I was still in my PJ's, but at that point, with Ryan's life in danger, I didn't give two fucks.

We led me to the table and motioned for me to sit in the chair far opposite side of him.

"So is he okay?" I asked anxiously.

"He is okay," the doctor said, revealing a smile.

"OH THANK THE LORD!" I screamed, standing up from the chair.

"But . . ."

Oh no.

"Ryan is in a coma."

No! Not that! Anything but that!!

"No . . . He he can't be! You must have this wrong. There's no possible way he can be in a coma!" I begged.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Thorne, but what has happened has happened and we can't fix that. And I can't guarantee that he will ever wake up, but I can guarantee he is in fact alive."

A tear fell from my eye. "From what we know, he will be in a coma for 6 months minimum. But that's the least. And we have no idea what the maximum amount of time would be. I'm sorry, Ms. Thorne, we're doing everything we can."

I nodded my eyes, the tears forcing themselves out. "I haven't even gotten the chance to say I love you yet . . ."

The doctor too looked like he would cry. His eyes were teared up.

"I've gone through the same experience," he said. "My wife was in a coma at 26. We had two kids. She never came back . . ."

"What happened then?"

"She passed away two years after her coma. It was a struggle for me - with my work, the kids, supper . . . Everything. I can still remember it."

My heart hurt from having to hear his story. I was just praying that wouldn't happen to Ryan. "It took probably a year for me to recover from her loss. That was a tough year."

"I'm sorry," I said. "For what you had to go through."

"Its alright. That was ten years ago, things are much, much better now."

"Well, can I see him?" I asked.

The doctor nodded his head and led me to Ryan's room. He opened the door and let me enter. I saw Ryan on the hospital bed, lying with his eyes closed. Oh, how I wanted to tell him I loved him.

"May I?" I asked, facing the doctor. He nodded his head and left the room, giving me privacy.

"Ryan, you have to get up from this. You can't leave me alone, you just can't!" I cried.

"I can't believe you'd do this to me, Ryan . . . You were supposed to stay here with me! Why did you do this?" I yelled. I was losing control of my temper.

"I'm sorry. But please, please, come back to me."

Those were the last words that came out of my mouth before I exited the door.

"Thank you, ma'am, we'll keep in touch," the same doctor who talked to me said. "Goodbye!"

"Bye," I stated quickly before leaving the hospital. I wiped a tear away.

When I entered my car, I instantly pulled out my phone and called Nicole.

I waited patiently - breathing heavily with sweaty palms - for Nicole to answer.

Finally, when she asked what I called her for, I said, "We need to talk about Ryan."

Wow it's been awhile since I've updated.

Anyway, just so you know, "An Alpha's Angel," will be on hold until I finish this story. "The Devil's Son" will also have extremely slow updates. My goal is to have at least 30 chapters for this book. I'll update as fast as I can for those who want to read my other books.

Thanks for reading :)





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