Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Admit that we really are soulmates...

"When is the wedding?" His question pulls me from my daze and I look back to see his gaze fixated on the ring on my finger. I absent-mindlessly start playing with the ring like I would with a hairband when I'm nervous.

"A little over a week," I respond, trying to gauge his reaction. He keeps his face neutral as he nods. "So where have you been the last few years?" I ask to change the topic, but also because I really want to know.

He finally tears his gaze away from my ring and meets my stare. His eyes are swirling with emotions, but he's doing a decent job at covering them up. "Africa," he answers simply as if that was enough of an explanation, but instead it just made another hundred questions pop into my head.


"I've been doing volunteer work," he shrugs.

I study him, seeing if he'll say anything further, but he just stares back at me. "And you never thought maybe you should contact anyone, to I don't know assure us you were alive and well?" I try and reel in my anger at his nonchalance to this whole ordeal.

He shrugs again and my fists clench in frustration. "I didn't bring any form of communication with me."

I could feel my anger slowly starting to boil over. "Fuck," I grit out and his eyes widen a fraction. "Kain what ever you're feeling about me right now just fucking forget it for a minute so I can try and get it through your head what your leaving did to our friends!"

He narrows his eyes at me and shakes his head. "Go on then."

"I had to console a crying James not too long ago," I start and he tenses at my words. The emotions he was trying to hide peek through. Sadness. Regret. Guilt.

"Why?" He asks apprehensively.

"Him and Jesse have been having some really tough times lately. Jesse wants to get married," I say while analyzing his reaction.

He looks confused. "James doesn't? He used to talk about how he thought Jesse was the one..."

"He does, but he doesn't want to get married now. Want to know why?" He nods cautiously. "Because his best friend has been missing for years and he couldn't possibly get married without him there."

The same sadness, regret, and guilt shine through his eyes. "I can't come back," he says.

"I'm not asking you to Kain! I'm just asking you to get in touch with him, with Luna. Talk to them and assure them that you're okay and that you still care about them," I say exasperatedly.

He turns his head, so I can't look into his eyes again. "I'll see what I can do," he says stiffly.

"You're selfish," I hiss out.

His head whips back to meet my glare. His eyes display hurt at first before he covers it up with his own glare. "I'm sorry that letting you go so you can be happy seems selfish to you, but forgive me if I don't want to be surrounded by you and everything that reminds me of you," he says sarcastically. I flinch at his words, my frustration getting redirected at myself.

"It fucking hurts Charlie. I can't get you out of my fucking head and it makes me feel insane! I busy myself as much as I can to keep you out, but you're still there every second of every day. I let myself be stupid. I let myself feel hope. Hope that you would come back to me after you realized we were meant to be together, but when you didn't it crushed me. And now I'm standing here talking to you years later and you have a fucking engagement ring on telling me you're going to be married to another man in a week," he rubs his hand over his face before gripping his hair in frustration, messing up his bun.

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