The Time I Got My Friends Totally Lost

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The time I almost got my friends totally freaking lost

So this was actually a week ago, we had an early release day so the teachers could attend a seminar. It was a Wednesday which is the day the club I am the president of meets. It's called STEAM Team and we make a sculpture on the local lake each year (this will be important later). We had the meeting for a while then the remaining members decided to end the meeting early so we could enjoy our extra time. We decided to walk to the shopping center right by the school and super close to my house. On the way we pass the sculpture we made.

That's it it's called Connie's Quilt just fyiWell in front of the sculpture is a plaque with a description, our sponsors, and of course our names

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That's it it's called Connie's Quilt just fyi
Well in front of the sculpture is a plaque with a description, our sponsors, and of course our names. Well the plaque had gotten written on. Where did the Sharpie over? Only my freaking name, like right on it. I don't know who has a vendetta against me but we tried to get it off to minimal effectiveness. I have anxiety so I started freaking out thinking someone really hated me. My best friend who is also in the club just hugged me while I cried while the others just chilled (thanks guys). (Note this was already after they locked me out of the room and didn't open the door for 15 fucking minutes and I almost got yelled at by security for still being in the building).

We eventually continued and made it to the shopping center, at this point it was just me, my best friend (who I will call Flower), and our other friend (I will call Bunny). Flower thought we should walk around a little bit and I decided to lead us because it is real close to my house and I should know the way right? Wrong. I led us into a neighborhood where I thought I generally knew where we were going but not really. I we still freaked out from the plaque and got hella cocky and defensive because of it. I got us to the edge of the other lake just by following a path.

I then tried to lead us though the neighborhood which I thought connected to the main road

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I then tried to lead us though the neighborhood which I thought connected to the main road. We were totally lost at this point.

Well I never found the real road and at Bunny's suggestion we turned around and kept talking not worried much. Well Flower was hella spaced out and we passed a wall she said would be a great photo wall again. What did she say? "Oh man yet another awesome photo wall!!" "Uhhh Flower, that is the same wall" said Bunny "What??!? We turned around????!?"

I then took us though the staff parking lot while Flower, who also lives in the area, continued to be disoriented. We made it back to the shopping center where Bunny's dad was waiting to pick her up. Flower and I both walked to our separate houses and were fine in the end.

Lesson to be learned: just cause you know the area doesn't mean you know the specifics and you can still get lost.

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